Tuesday, February 8, 2005


just three notes for today...

1) TONIGHT! PREMIER KLEIN will be making his annual televised chat to the masses (of course, he's one of us - one of the masses - once you minus the BC fishing lodge, private fleet of government planes, massive pension, Rod Love, etc - he's just like you and me!).

What will he say???

Joe Tory says: "He'll promise more money for PSE, because it is very important to him and his government. He is such a great person, the best Premier the world has ever seen! I love Ralph and his world!"

daveberta says: "A real investment in PSE would be great, but, I'll believe it when I see it (so, not likely)."

So - don't miss it: 6:30pm on CFRN in Edmonton & CFCN in Calgary.

2) - GOP Operative Gets 5 Months in Jail

Just in case you needed more convincing... here is more proof that the Republican Party is evil: Allen Raymond, President of GOP Marketplace, LLC, has been sentenced to five months in prison after pleading guilty in federal court to jamming Democratic phone lines in New Hampshire during the 2002 election. The lines were in three cities. They were the designated lines to allow Democrats to call in and get free rides to their polling precincts.

Clicky here to read more

3) It's official, the next session of the Legislature will begin on March 1, 2005 at 1:30pm.

See the press release here.

So, let me see... the last session ended in October of 2004... November-December-January-February....wow, that was a nice 4 month holiday. The Tories mustta needed the time off to lick their wounds from the wooping they got on the November 22 election. Let hope session lasts more than 2 weeks this time.

jeez, don't ya just luv democrazy in Alberta?



  1. Your post about Klein's upcoming announcement turned out to be like one of those moments where the friend ur playing chess with turns and says, "check mate".

    Klien's education announcement is a brilliant PR stunt, and frankly if it raises the bar of education affordability and accesibility, that's a good thing.

    Is it enough though? I think of the poor $9-22/hr wages most students make, and figure that even if tuition were free for working sole support students - it'd still be vitutally impossible to pay the bills while doing a full course load.

    Working poor students can't make it past income to household expenditure ratios - Tuition is only the tip of the iceberg. The glass ceiling after the concrete wall.

  2. Hey Jen,

    Thanks for the comentary. Yes, it is a great move in the right direction for PSE in Alberta. But, it is just the begining for a system that has suffered under neglect and government hacking for the past 12 years.

    As always, the devil will be in the details and whether or not the Tories actually deliver on these promises.

    Let's hope they do!

    D :)
