Monday, March 28, 2005

my picks

Continuing on a lower post - I thought I would place some predictions for the rest of the vacant Senate seats...

My picks are:

New Brunswick (1)
Ray Frenette, Liberal Premier 1997-1998 (so says the Globe & Mail)

Prince Edward Island (1)
Stompin' Tom Connors, Canadian Music Icon (I think this would be cool.)

Quebec (3)
Carole-Marie Allard, former Laval Liberal MP (2000-2004)
Nathalie Rochefort, former Liberal MNA (my fun pick)
Daniel Johnson, former Liberal Premier 1994-1994

Manitoba (1)
Lloyd Axworthy, former Winnipeg MP (1979-2000) & AWESOME Foreign Affairs Minister (My pick - I LIKE LLOYD!)

British Columbia (1)
Mike Harcourt, former Mayor of Vancouver, and NDP Premier 1991-1996
David Haggard, former President of the Allied Workers of Canada, and 2004 Fed Liberal Candidate

PS> I have nothing but pure intutition to base these predictions on...


  1. You forgot me. :P
    I'm originally from British Columbia.

  2. do you own the required $4,000 worth of assetts in BC??????????

