Tuesday, April 26, 2005

i like it, but will it work?

Harper, Martin, Layton, and Duceppe 'playing nice' for the camera's during the 2004 Leaders Debate

According to the Globe & Mail, Prime Minister Paul Martin and NDP Leader Jack Layton reached an "agreement in principle" meaning that the NDP will support the minority Liberal Government's budget when voting time comes. The NDP support came in exchange for the Liberals cancellation of promised corporate taxcuts (but not the proposed taxcuts for small and medium sized businesses).

Here is an exert of the "Agreement in Principle" from Jack Layton:

"It appears likely that we will have an agreement in principle reached with the government. Families will pay less for their kids’ education. Workers will get better training. We’ll reduce pollution. Build affordable housing. Protect pensions – and have a place in the world that makes us proud.

This likely agreement in principle also gives real hope that the child care money and first installment of the gas tax can start to flow back to communities. It also lets the investment in the Kyoto plan move ahead. The Liberal plan doesn’t keep our Kyoto promise. It has major flaws. But it is vital we move ahead and ensure even the most basic first steps are protected…from year one to year five."

As a Liberal with NDP tendencies, I like it! I like the idea of a Liberal-NDP Agreement and I like the idea of scrapping the corporate taxcuts.

But, if you take a look at the numbers in the House of Commons, it may not make a difference in the face of a Conservative/Bloc non-confidence vote. So far, what we know is that if the Conservative/Bloc Quebecois alliance pushed a No vote on the Liberal Budget, two of the Independent MP's (former Reform/Alliance/Tory MP Chuck Cadman, and former Tory/Liberal MP David Kilgour would also vote No.

A Liberal/NDP coalition (which would support the budget) would receive the support of Independent MP Carolyn Parrish.

So, according to the numbers, here is how things work out...

Will vote for the budget
Liberal - 132
NDP - 19
Independent - 1
TOTAL - 152

Will vote against the budget
Conservative - 99
Bloc Quebecois - 54
Independent - 2
TOTAL - 155

So, an Liberal/NDP Agreement may not be enough... depending on who shows up for the budget vote... interesting times ahead.


  1. Is that accounting for the two Conservative MPs that are on sick leave?

  2. Nope. I didn't take them out of the equation becuase I thought there's still a chance that they could fly in to Ottawa for a vote.

    On a side note: Isn't this great! Federal politians wanting to move on issues like affordable housing, tuition, and foreign aid! I like it alot :)

  3. Don't forget that the Speaker can only vote to break a 'tie'... thus leaving Liberals really at 131 (+ tie breaker) not 132.

    To comment on your side note: if you like affordable housing, afforadable tution and foreign aid... why are you supporting the Liberals? This... um... doesn't make a lot of sense to me... should you saddle up and ride with Jack?... cowboy...

  4. Tony - thanks. I always forget about the Speaker... 131.

    As for the joining the NDP idea, the answer is: I'm not a New Democrat I'm a left leaning liberal. Though abviously not exclusively, but I see all these issues as liberal issues (notice the difference between big and small L).

    Your Holiness- uterlibet gratulor.

  5. for some reason that picture really scares me. theres a lot of funny body language going on there.

    martin is probably joking with harper about how chretien used to call him da leader of da tird party...

    my prediction on the vote: [drum roll] ...the government has been defeated by 1 vote...

    nice of the pope to drop by. i hope we see more of you.
