Friday, May 20, 2005

The Tony Abbott fiasco continues...

From Wednesday's Hansard at the Alberta Legislature...

The Acting Speaker: The hon. Member for Edmonton-Centre.

Notice of Privilege

Ms Blakeman: Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. I would like to give notice of a possible question of privilege. Under Standing Order 15(5) on behalf of the Member for Edmonton-Rutherford I’d like to be able to advise the House of the possibility that I would bring forward the privilege motion on the next regular sitting day of this Assembly.

There needs to be additional information sought and additional research done, but at this point I can advise the Speaker that this is being considered because of an altercation that took place immediately outside of the Assembly between the Member for Drayton Valley-Calmar and the Member for Edmonton-Rutherford. Although it is outside of the Chamber, I believe that there are sufficient citations to address a matter that takes place within the precincts of the Assembly and under the purview and control of the Speaker, particularly where the action which occurred involves a physical assault or molestation.

So, with those words, I will hope that that acts as sufficient notice, and when I have been able to do sufficient research to be confident that I would not be abusing the time of the Assembly, as I say, I’ve given notice and that allows me to bring forward the point of privilege motion on the next regular sitting day of the Assembly. Thank you.

The Acting Speaker: Hon. members, the hon. Member for Edmonton-Centre has given notice that she will bring forward a motion of privilege. As you know, the next sitting that we will have will not be a regular one. That will be the one at which the Queen will visit the Assembly. So probably this matter may not be dealt with until the fall when we reconvene. So it shall be dealt with at that point in time. Thank you.

Ms Blakeman: Thank you.


  1. i like laurie blakeman. she always is really smart and tough in question period.

  2. Come on. This was funny for a while, now it's getting pathetic. Someone should tell the member who was "roughed up" to stop being such a sucky-baby.

  3. It's unlikely that the point of privilege will go anywhere. I could hardly see the Speaker move something like this forward - unless there's footage of a raving Tony Abbott being held back because he's about to rip Miller's eyeballs out.

    Also, could someone give Blakeman a fucking sandwich? She looks like she just escaped from Dachau, for christ's sake.

  4. Oh come on, this is too much fun not to blog about. The story of a good Christian Reverend turned Tory MLA turning his Belinda-fed rage into fistcuffs. :P

    And no, seeing who is sitting in the Speakers chair, it is very unlikely that any "punishment" would be divied out, even if they have footage of it (I guess that's what happens when the most partisan MLA in the house become Speaker).

  5. anonymous: are you Tony Abbott?

  6. Of course you should blog about it; it's a hoot.
