Thursday, April 13, 2006

thursday morning rush.

Those of you in Edmonton will know what I'm writing about when I say that the weather has been beautiful this week! Spring/Summer is finally here!

A couple things for this week...

- A new edition of Policy Options, a publication from the Institute for Research on Public Policy is out.

- The Alberta NDP Caucus has revamped their website - check out the superhero poses of the 4 New Democrat MLA's. The new format is quite an improvement from their former caucus website, which was a little difficult to navigate.

- Bizarro world... the Edmonton Sun's editorial board has positive things to say about Kevin Taft and the Alberta Liberals...
While we certainly would not agree with the direction of everything up for discussion in Taft's Alberta Horizons pamphlets, we are happy that the Grits are trying to get political debate in this province off life support and inject some vitality into provincial affairs.

The Alberta Liberals may not have all the answers, but at least the party is asking the right questions. Good for them.

- She's a DeLongshot - Calgary Bow Tory MLA Alana DeLong is pondering a run for the Alberta PC Leadership... Alana who?


  1. You know, they could have tried to make Eggen look a little less dorky... but oh well. The site's a big-time improvement.

  2. I still haven't figured out how Ray Martin is "restoring democracy?"

  3. michael in calgaryApril 15, 2006 at 2:01 PM

    Alana Delong for Premier!

    HAHAHAHA. That's the funniest thing i've heard all day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Trained monkey for Premier!
