Friday, June 9, 2006

findlay in edmonton.

Yesterday afternoon, I met Federal Liberal leadership candidate Martha Hall Findlay during her stop in Edmonton on her cross-Canada bus tour.

Not knowing much about Findlay before-hand, I was very impressed about her ideas and thoughts on Canada, Federal Politics, and the Liberal Party.

Unlike many leadership-type events, this event was more of a discussion than pontification. I felt she was really interested in getting Canadians and Liberals to have a national discussion on hard-hitting issues like the environment, urban issues, and Afghanistan and Canada’s commitment abroad. Had I not only had 2 hours of sleep in the 36 hours before the meeting, I probably would have engaged more deeply in the conversation.

She’s no doubt a long-shot in that race, but I do hope she runs for a seat in Parliament in the next election. I get the feeling that she would be a dedicated Minister or a fireball of an Opposition Critic.

On another note, Kevin Taft and the Alberta Liberals will be holding their Policy Convention and Annual General Meeting this weekend in Edmonton. I will be sporatically attending and checking out the policy discussions.

Tonight, the guest speaker at the opening reception of the Convention is Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty. Though I won't be able to make it tonight, I hear there will be nearly 400 delegates attending from across Alberta. It's clearly an exciting time on the Alberta political scene.

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