Thursday, August 17, 2006

If you live in Edmonton, there's a good chance you may have heard about this.

On August 13, 2006 Robert Barrington Leigh went missing while riding his bike to the Edmonton Folk Festival. If you know anything about his whereabouts, please contact the Edmonton Police Service at 423-4567 or the FindRobert HQ at 904-4837. There is also a website set up for the search.

UPDATE: Sad news.


  1. Sad news:

    He was a good kid. I met him a few years ago. Quiet, but incredibly smart.

  2. How sad that the Edmonton Sun felt the need to run a picture of Robert Barrington Leigh's lifeless body on page 5 today. What possible journalistic or marketing purpose would that serve? From the photographer who shot the pic to the editor who approved its use, every last Sun staffer should be ashamed of themselves. It makes a hollow mockery of every word they write about this tragedy. Shame on them!

  3. That is very sad. Sad sad news.
