Friday, February 9, 2007

u of a day of action = great success.

The February 7 Day of Action at the University of Alberta was a success with hundreds of students showing up to send a message to the University Aministration and the Provincial Tory Government about the importance of keeping education affordable!

The great speakers included Avi Lewis from the CBC's The Big Picture and Larry Booi from Public Interest Alberta! You can check out the rally and speeches on YouTube here and here.

Students were joined by a number of political folks including Liberal Advanced Education & Technology Shadow Minister Maurice Tougas (Edmonton Meadowlark) and his fellow Alberta Liberal MLA's Mo Elsalhy (Edmonton McClung), Hugh MacDonald (Edmonton Gold Bar), and Bharat Agnihotri (Edmonton Ellerslie). Alberta NDP MLA Ray Martin (Edmonton Beverly Clareview) attended along with Edmonton Strathcona Federal NDP candidate Linda Duncan and Edmonton Strathcona Provincial NDP candidate Rachel Notley.

I have to say that it was pretty cool seeing that many students show up to send a message about the need for greater affordability. Also, going out for dinner and drinks with Avi Lewis and some friends later that evening was pretty cool too.


  1. You went out for drinks with Avi Lewis?

    Okay, I was gonna leave a message about how great a job you guys did, but right now, all I can think about is how much you SUCK. *grin*

  2. The Calgary event was also a success. We had an op-ed published in the Calgary Herald and all the local media covered the event at the Alberta College of Art and Design.


    Fallout from the Aqua Teens scandal. I can't believe executives are stepping down over a set of lightbrights gone bad...

  4. Great work with this Dave! You and Sam did a bang up job in putting this rally together!
