Monday, May 28, 2007

the by-election connection.

The Prince Edward Island provincial election is today. A CRA Poll released on May 17 had the Robert Ghiz's Liberals at 49% to Premier Pat Binns Tories 42%. The Greens were at 5% and the New Democrats at 4%.

Closer to home, I spent Saturday campaigning in Calgary Elbow with Alberta Liberal Leader Kevin Taft and candidate Craig Cheffins. Both were very well received at the doors in Elbow.

I'm still blown away by the amount of hostility the voters I spoke with held towards Premier Ed Stelmach and his cabinet. It's not just Mayor Dave Bronconnier who's unhappy with the Tories...

It's quite an excting by-election campaign. There are lawn signs everywhere as both the Alberta Liberal and Tory canadidates are campaigning hard in this riding.

Also, I can personally confirm that there is one more 'R' in Calgary Elbow than there was two weeks ago...

The By-Elections in Calgary Elbow and Drumheller-Stettler are set for Tuesday June 12.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dave,

    Any plans to go down and help campaign in the Drumheller-Stettler campaign?

    Might be some tougher polls for the Liberals there...
