Wednesday, September 12, 2007

getting more than a nickel's worth.

- Right-wing Edmonton City Councillor Mike Nickel launched his pun-filled Ward 5 re-election campaign this week. Nickel's campaign logo is a coffee stain (which accurately reflects his past three years on City Council).

- Tory MLA's Greg Melchin (Calgary-North West) and Denis Ducharme (Bonnyville-Cold Lake) announced their retirements this week. Both Melchin and Ducharme were elected in 1997 after defeating Decore-era Liberal MLA's Frank Bruseker and Leo Vasseur (Bruseker is the current President of the Alberta Teachers' Association).

- The Edmonton City Council Election candidates list has been updated. The nomination deadline is on Monday, September 17, so I will be providing a final list on Monday afternoon (I may actually make a trip down to City Hall to watch who shows up as well). Help spread the word about the October 15 Municipal Election by joining the "I'm voting in the Edmonton Municipal Election on October 15, 2007" facebook group.

- Just in case no one noticed (which is a complete possibility), the Alberta Social Credit Party is looking for a new Leader as Socred stalwart Lavern Alstrom is hanging up his hat.


  1. Mike Nickel is the one guy who's been looking after taxpayer dollars.

    The rest of the Bolsheviks on Edmonton City Council need MORE people like Nickel to keep them in check.

  2. Mike Nickel's idea of dealing with growth problems is to downsize the ability of government to deal with them. The taxpayers want their money to be effectively used, not have services scrapped. Nickel needs to get over his old-school outdated taxcuts-taxcuts-taxcuts simplistic Edmonton Sunesq attitudes and actually do something productive on council. Ward 5 needs an effecive advocate who isnt' afraid to address the REAL ISSUES, not an Edmonton version of Ted Morton.

  3. I checked out Mike Nickel's site, and if I'm not mistaken, I know his wife. She worked for a company that I took some training with... about a dozen years ago. Insane.

  4. mike nickel is an ALBERTAN HERO. after he wipes anti-business and pro-welfare mandel's record clean with one or two terms as mayor, i hope he becomes our next conservative premier.
