Monday, April 21, 2008

change that works for albertans.

Blizzards in Edmonton at the end of April...

...can only mean one thing.

Albertans have provoked the wrath of God...

...for re-electing the Tories.


  1. Maybe the god is showing his distaste for the religion of global warming.

  2. a stirring photo essay with a great message!

  3. "Maybe the god is showing his distaste for the religion of global warming."

    or Al Gore.

  4. It's nice in Winnipeg - with sixteen as a high tomorrow, and sun.

    Given that they DON'T elect Tory's there, your explanation makes sense.

  5. Hey, I'll take that line of reasoning if it gets people to either stop voting for the Conservatives or just plain get out and vote.

    Either way, I feel sorry for the people whose basements are bound to flood once this starts melting fast. I sure hope I'm not around if (when?) the Tories win again.

  6. Does this mean... hell is freezing over??!
