Monday, February 9, 2009

alberta export running in bc election.

Former Albertan Michelle Mungall has been nominated to run for the NDP in Nelson-Creston in the May 2009 British Columbia Provincial Election. Mungall carried the NDP banner during the 2001 Alberta provincial election in St. Albert, placing third behind PC MLA Mary O'Neill and former Liberal MLA Len Bracko. Mungall later moved to BC and was elected to Nelson City Council.

Mungall won the NDP nomination to replace retiring NDP MLA Corky Evans.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, Corky. We'll miss him. Only in BC could a pot-smoking, draft-dodging squatter become a cabinet minister. I don't know if Corky was any good as an MLA (he was a truly abysmal cabinet minister, not that anyone noticed given the rogue's gallery of his Cabinet colleagues), but Nelson's a cool town if you like good food, awesome French bakeries and truly spectacular downhill mountain biking, so I guess he should get the benefit of the doubt.

    I don't know Michelle, but since she is egotistical enough to compare herself to Tommy Douglas, I'm sure she'll do just fine.
