Friday, July 3, 2009

know your power lines better, alberta.


  1. I liked Kevin's essay on this topic, but I think he left out another important reason why we have such a hard time getting transmission projects off the drawing board--it’s the lack of transparency and accountability in government. Consider as an example the spy scandal in 2007 when the energy regulator purchased the services of a private investigator to figure out what dissenting parties were doing. This is significant because what appears to be endemic in Alberta politics is the “fear of getting screwed” When municipal leaders could wake up one morning and learn of a major Government announcement that impacts their community, with no consultation or even so much as a hint, one could forgive the regular Albertan for avoiding eye contact with Government in the hope the regular citizen and their community could hopefully avoid being noticed and becoming the subject of the next great “public good policy” at their expense. Albertans’ need to be able to trust and be able to engage their government, and not have it spoon fed to them by the Public Affairs Bureau or be outright lied to by claiming new Transport Canada regulations have now forced the closure of hospital helipads throughout Alberta .
    So I ask you, how in this environment could a regular Albertan could be engaged, without actually becoming a bit militant about an issue that is going to impact them, other than vote with their feet ?

  2. I haven't read the essay. I'll go do it, hoping it explains how one gets any major utility infrastructure built anywhere, ever, with consensus and cooperation by affected "stakeholders."

  3. We'll consensus should be the goal, even if it is not fully achieved. At least it is perferable to the "fear of getting screwed", as the first post wrote about.
