Sunday, January 3, 2010

save the date: alberta politics in 2010.

New LG?: On January 20, the traditional 5-year term of Lieutenant Governor Norman Kwong will come to an end. With a lower profile than his predecessor, Lois Hole, Kwong brought a different personality to the office of Alberta's viceroy. All of Alberta's LGs appointed since Queen Elizabeth II ascended to the throne have been former attempted or elected politicians (including Helen Huntley, Gordon Towers, and Bud Olsen). If Kwong does not continue in the office I am at a loss to name who the next LG might be, but I can think of someone who might be an interesting pick.

Cabinet shuffle: Premier
Ed Stelmach is expected to shuffle the provincial cabinet early in the new year. I have laid out my thoughts here

Manning Centre: The conservative politics institute formed by former Reform Party leader Preston Manning has taken an interest in provincial politics and will be holding a 'Conference on Alberta's Future' on February 5 in Edmonton.

Speech from the Throne: This year's Sessional Calendar has
not yet been posted on the Legislative Assembly website, but all indications point to a Speech from the Throne on the week of February 8. If a new LG is appointed in January, this will be their first high profile event.

Provincial Budget: Another tough economic times budget is expected to be tabled during
the week of February 15. The Finance Minister at the time will wear this budget, whether it be Minister Iris Evans or a successor (odds are on Minister Doug Horner). Potential deep cuts to pubic health care have led some longtime PC supporters to question the longtime governing party.

Alberta Electoral Boundaries Commission: The deadline for release of the interim report (including interim riding maps for the next election) is
February 26 and the second round of public hearings are set to begin in April 2010. A final report will be released by July 2010.

Reboot Alberta 2.0: Following a highly successful first meeting in Red Deer in November 2009, a larger gathering of progressive Albertans is being planned for
February 26 to 28 in Kananaskis. I reflected on the first Reboot Alberta meeting in early December 2009.

Alberta Liberal convention: Alberta's Official Opposition Party will be holding their annual policy convention in Edmonton. There is not any information on their website, but I believe that it will be held in March 2010. Expect to hear more from the Liberals in the new year following David Swann's recent State of the Party Address.

Alberta Progressive Conservative convention: On April 30 and June 1, members of Alberta's near 40-year governing party will gather in Edmonton. With low approval ratings and dropping party support in recent polls, expect Premier Stelmach to use the first four months of 2010 in an attempt to boost his political fortunes.

Wildrose Alliance convention: Since selecting
Danielle Smith as their leader, the Wildrose Alliance has conveniently been able to avoid answering questions about social issues under the guise of self-described libertarianism. One of Smith's largest challenges at their 2010 policy convention will be to moderate some of the more destructive social conservative elements within her party's membership.

Municipal Elections: Monday October 18. More to come...


  1. Ted Morton is the likely Minister of Finance.

  2. I agree that Preston would make an interesting LG pick, but I doubt he'd be willing to give up the opportunity to express political opinions. A more likely pick would be an ex-Chairman of one of the big oil companies.

  3. Harper will appoint Gwyn Morgan as LG.

  4. You forgot the real big news: tomorrow two PC MLAs are crossing to the Wildrose Alliance.

    Come on, what kind of plugged in blogger are you supposed to be?

  5. Thanks, Anonymous. I've heard the rumours, but nothing solid. I guess we will wait and see tomorrow.

  6. I've heard Heather Forsyth, Rob Anderson (as far as MLAs), and that a bunch of the Executive Committee of the PCs - but particularly Cynthia Williams (VP Comms) and Leigh Clarke (VP Calgary) - were going to as well but got cold feet.

    Besides, who would want the Executive of the PCs? Honestly.

  7. Also, Dave, what do you make of the Liberal "State of the Party"?

    Sheer propaganda, or are they actually getting their act together?

  8. Rob Anderson and Jonathan Denis will be crossing the floor. Both are long known for their extremist positions in the PC's. They are probably bitter that they won't be in cabinet.

    Shayne Saskiw, VP Policy went to law school with Rob and they're close. He's bolting as well.

  9. Seeing as the LG is appointed by Ottawa, Manning being offered the job by Harper would not surprise me.
    On the other hand, like the earlier poster said, I don't seen Manning giving up his freedom to comment on political issues.

  10. It will be an interesting year indeed! Happy 2010!

  11. Daveberta said: the Wildrose Alliance has conveniently been able to avoid answering questions about social issues under the guise of self-described libertarianism.

    That's a low blow, Dave. The Wildrose Alliance is taking a Non-Partisan approach to this issue. Isn't that what we're all after....politics without the partisanship? I believe in almost everything you say, Dave. If we want people to become involved, engaged citizens, we have to do away with this partisan bickering. The 'new' politicians will take no stand on anything. This is sure to get people out to the polls. Gosh golly gee, you're smart, Dave.

  12. Dave, how sure are you about the week of the budget speech? I noticed that the week of Feb 15 is also the same as the week of Family Day. The Legislature almost never sits the same week as a holiday.
