Wednesday, March 30, 2005

seriously folks...

I keep on thinking that I am going to wake up and say "woah, what a weird dream. Thank goodness that would never happen in real life!"

I'm going back to bed.


  1. Do you think that Frank McKenna would be declared persona non grata if he were to "punch out" or "give what-for to" pundits who diss Canada? I think this would be a practical use of diplomatic immunity and an excellent way to AGGRESSIVELY promote Canada's interests.

  2. Georges ClemenceauMarch 31, 2005 at 2:29 PM

    Indeed, thank you very kindly for your post Mr. George. It was very nice to hear from you, it has been a while (1919 I think).

    Perhaps you should coresponse a letter to Mr. McKenna suggesting he take your proposed plan of action.

    Most Sincerely,

    Georges Clemenceau

  3. Good Day heir gentlemen,

    I must concur, an agressive strategy is the only effective manner of dealing with such rif-raf.

    Distinguished collegues, I believe we should take the initiative to discuss this matter to further extent. Perhaps a plesant automobile ride through the beautiful streets of Sarjevo would be plenty potentiary for the ideas of the mind regarding such issues.

    Please forward your RSVP to my Principle Secretary in Vienna.


    Franz Ferdinand
    The Archduke.

  4. Greetings dear Ferdinand,

    I was delighted to receive your correspondence by postage this mid-afternoon in Paris. I am further pleased to hear that her highness, Lady Sophie, and yourself are enjoying this spring in the countryside north of Vienna.

    We have been eternally privialged with this enjoyable weather as of late.

    I will soon correspond with your Principle Secretary in Vienna with my RSVP.


    Georges Clemenceau

  5. Greetings my friend Georges,

    I was pleased to receive word of your correspondence this morn. It most certainly sends me delights knowing that Sophie and I may have to oppurtunity to be graced by your presence during our shared time in Serejevo.

    I await your response.

    In continental companionship,

