Wednesday, May 17, 2006

manning manning manning manning...

Is he in? We may just find out today... "Manning to announce today if he plans to seek PC leadership"


From Legislation and Public Debate to Regulations and Closed-Door Cabinet meetings: Democracy, Alberta Style.

UPDATE: Not surprisingly, Mr. Preston Manning is sitting this one out...


  1. I've received word all the way in Granada that ol' Preston's not going to go for the golden chair. Pitty. A Manning/Harper dichotomy would have ushered in a peculiar era of Canadian politics. Wouldn't Alberta completely fail to exist without the myth of Federal manipulation of Albertan interests? Manning vs. Harper would have been oh so Shakespearian.

    I also here that the Oileys aren't doing to badly. How 'bout that?

  2. Praise the Lard! Thank ya Jesus! What would have been too weird, too dangerous and just too cute will not happen on this good God's dirty place.
    Oilers, yes. Preston, thank you... no...

  3. It's a shame Manning didn't run. Alberta needs a right-wing Premier like him to set things straight in this province.
