Thursday, April 19, 2007

can you say 'by-election?'

From yesterday's Orders-in-Council.
O.C. 197/2007
April 18, 2007

The Lieutenant Governor in Council appoints the following persons as returning officers for their respective electoral divisions for the purposes of or in connection with elections, enumerations and plebiscites under the Election Act:
(a) Jean Minchin of Calgary as the returning officer for Calgary Elbow;
(b) Doreen E. Nixon of Byernoore as the returning officer for Drumheller Stettler.
Also, I'll be posting my thoughts on today's Alberta budget tomorrow.


  1. I'm sure it will come as a shock to everyone reading this that Doreen Nixon was a PC campaign worker on Doug Griffiths' winning 2002 by-election campaign in Battle River-Wainwright. Nice unbiased choice for a returning officer. Gotta love Alberta, where one team always gets to pick one of its players to be the ref.

  2. anonymous,

    So, a person with experience in elections is chosen as a returning officer? Shocking.

    How would you explain the years of public service of JP Kingsley, a liberal partisan, as Chief Electoral Officer? He was clearly a big-L Liberal, but he served competently in the role for many years. And he was the big cheese, not a returning officer for one constituency in a by-election (one everyone will be watching anyway).

  3. Anonymous, JPK was Canada's CEO, not Alberta's. Shouldn't we demand a higher standard of public service in Alberta?

    Look, I'm a lifelong Tory. I vote Tory during each election. But I cannot and will not condone our side putting on partisan hacks to oversee elections. It's just not right. It's just now how we should be doing things in Alberta.

    We can do better.
