Monday, January 7, 2008

between $1.3 billion and $2.8 billion in "uncaptured economic rent."

Good morning. Here is an update...

- A censored provincial government report shows that Albertans weren't necessarily getting their fair share in royalty rates...
Alberta Energy told the provincial government in 2004 that the province was missing out on billions of dollars in resource revenue, newly released documents show.

In a 2006 report, the department estimated that since royalty rates were capped at certain price levels, Alberta had lost between $1.3 billion and $2.8 billion in "uncaptured economic rent" for natural gas alone in 2003 and 2004, or between $700 million and $1.4 billion a year.

The department's cross-commodity resource valuation team called on the government to "increase conventional oil and gas royalties to restore Alberta's fair share at high prices."

- The newest kid on the right-wing block of Alberta politics is strolling around the corner... two of Alberta's right-wing political parties are setting the stage to merge. The Alberta Alliance and the Wild Rose Party have announced their intentions to join forces in an attempt to storm the right-wing gates of Alberta's political spectrum. Enter the Wild Rose Alliance.

- The Stelmach Tories are attempting to forge a new day in post-Craig Chandler nomination Calgary-Egmont. It looks like two main candidates have stepped up to the place. Vicki Engel and Don Middleton are lining up to face former Calgary Catholic School District Chair Cathie Williams who is running under the Alberta Liberal banner and now-Independent candidate Craig Chandler.

- Also, Canada had a political leader even half as charismatic as Barack Obama, it would be a gigantic improvement over our current Canadian political leaders. I'm excited to watch the New Hampshire results tomorrow night!


  1. Jonathan Denis is running in Calgary Egmont again as well.

    In the last nomination race he took 485 votes - more than any other PC nomination candidate in Calgary received (other than Chandler).

    Expect JD to take it in cakewalk.

  2. Don is a virtual unknown and has a lot of the same policies as Chandler. Vicki could be able to tap into some of Chandler's support. If I were a Liberal I'd want Vicki and least want Denis.

  3. We know the Tories are going to win this riding. The only person running for the Tories that I have even heard of is Jonathan Denis.

  4. It is funny that the Jonathan Denis team is out on the blogs making it look like he has lot's of support.

    Although, I do expect JD to win the arrogance of his supporters "cake walk" are what makes our party look bad.

    Strategically Jonathan Denis would be the ideal candidate for the Liberals. The animosity between JD and Chandler in the race will allow the Liberals a good shot.

    I think Vicki Engel or Don Middleton are better choices, but that does not mean they will win.

    I predict the following:

    #1 Jonathan Denis
    #2 Vicki Engel
    #3 Don Middleton

  5. Don Middleton may be a better choice depending on your viewpoint but Vicki Engel sure is not - she is nothing more than a Chandler sock puppet.

    Mr. Anonymous why do you think she's a better choice? Are you a Chandler supporter?

  6. They're ALL Chandler sock puppets.

    I'm parking my vote with the Wildrose Alliance until the Tories get their heads screwed on straight again.

  7. The person with the predictions above - $100 says that's Chandler himself. The only one fighting in the nomination was him and not the other candidates.

  8. "Chandler Sock Puppets"

    Funny. All Chandler's supporters have already left the PC Party for the Alliance etc... I know I have received some e-mails informing me of this.

    Now they will be working with the Reform Party style Wildrose Alliance.

    In my post on (Monday, January 07, 2008 9:11:00 PM) I just commented that Vicki or Don would be better because of the fighting with Chandler and Denis.

    I was not a supporter of anyone in the Egmont race previously, nor am I now. I am actually on the Provincial Executive for our party and I feel that Don or Vicki are better choices for the party. Neither of these 2 have baggage like Jonathan Denis does.

    Vicki seems a little more organized and seems to be better funded from what we hear.

    Chandler and Denis have some bad blood that some of us on council are privy to and I will recommend that Jonathan Denis does not get his papers signed and that we appoint Don or Vicki.

    As a provincial council member I know what Jonathan did in the race and the written complaints we received.

    As for the person betting $100? I am not sure why Craig would predict a Jonathan victory when good tactics would dictate that you promote the one you want to win?

  9. There was no fighting with Chandler and Denis. This is a myth that Chandler states to put the blame on anyone other than him when it was squarely his own fault. Craig, time for you to accept responsibility on your own (including your spelling mistakes) without blaming the council or another candidate.

    If you're on the Provincial Executive, show your face. State exactly what you say Denis did - funny if you're telling the truth why the press hasn't picked up any of this. Likely because it's not true.

    The only one with baggage is Engel who herself was a Chandler supporter - this has been reported by the Calgary Herald.

    If I were in Egmont my vote would go to Don Middleton as he's a bit more moderate than the other two.

  10. "If you're on the Provincial Executive, show your face"

    Not likely. Why would I want to be in the middle of a war on council?

    Funny the JD supporters keep seeing Craig Chandler in every post. Check under your bed he might be there as well!

    The vote to have Craig not accepted was pretty close and mostly because of bad media. We all know that Craig did nothing wrong, but some on council, not me, let the media run the party. I guess that is because Tom Olsen is involved.

    As for the press picking up on this. Believe me there is a piece that will be circulating that will be in the media for all to see.

    Jonathan Denis will be exposed.

    However, I am starting to agree with you that Don Middleton is the best choice.

    Why? Mentioning Jonathan Denis or even Vicki Engel (who has done nothing other then support Craig Chandler like many, many others did) causes conflict. I find it odd that anyone who supported Craig is not welcome, not a way to unify a party.

    It is time to put our party first and support Don Middleton for unity.

  11. I think you're the only person that thinks Craig did nothing wrong.

    Just because someone refused to be intimidated by a bully like Craig Chandler doesn't make them responsible. The party executive decided Chandler's fate, much like they did to Bill Bhullar in 2001.

    The fact that you won't say what Denis or any other person allegedly did against Chandler clearly shows lack of credibility.

    Mr. Anonymous, show your face or forever hold your peace.

    Give it up, Craig. You're out.

  12. Vote to refuse nomination to Chandler wasn't even close.

  13. Chandler is too much of a lard ass to fit under a bed anyways, so there's not much risk of him being hidden there.

  14. Did any of you read that story about Pascal Conn killing himself at Craig Chandler's place in Hamilton in 1993?

  15. Folks,

    It has been brought to my attention that there is alot of chatter on this blog about me.

    I thought I would pay a visit.

    Unlike the rest of you, I do not hide behind anonymous postings and never will.

    I must admit I do find many of the comments on this blog amusing.

    I have done nothing wrong and the Red Tory Executive Council along with Special Ed made it clear I am not wanted as a candidate.

    This reminds me of why the Reform Party started federally. Now the provincial party needs to be taught a lesson.

    This refusal of the democratic process would never have happened under Ralph Klein, Ted Morton or Lyle Oberg.

    I am very excited about the merger with the Alberta Alliance and the Wildrose Party and the fact a real conservative party will emerge.

    Currently, under Stelmach we have Liberal and Liberal Lite (Tories).

    Whether some of you like it or not I am not going anywhere.

    I will be involved in politics at every level and will help friends get elected.

    Even if I never get elected I will help others get there and have a track record of success in many elections helping others.

    I will not give up and I will not go away.

    As for Jonathan Denis and his negative campaign. I will post the whole story on my website in a section called "Democracy Denied" at the right time to get the most media.

    Quite frankly, I am hoping Jonathan Denis wins.

    As for Vicki Engel and Don Middleton. It has been posted on many blogs that these people are "puppets" and this is untrue.

    Although, I think Don is a good candidate and Vicki did help me and is a PGIB member (like over 3,500 others) I do not have time to help anyone but myself and this new party.

    Actually, unless Jonathan Denis quits PGIB he is also a member. Jonathan Denis's PGIB member is #3890 and he is a current paid member.

    Steve Chapman our president is a Tory as are most PGIB members. Just because I left the Tories (why belong to a party where you are not wanted by the Leader or Executive?)this does not mean everyone has left the Tories.

    PGIB is non-partisan and has members from the Alberta Progressive Party, Social Credit, BC Liberals, Wildrose, Alberta Alliance and the federal Conservative Party of Canada.

    As for me. I have been underestimated before and I continue to be, but I am not going away.

  16. Mr. Chandler:

    I live in Egmont and have seen the literature from all three candidates. I didn't see any negative campaign against Craig Chandler from Rick Smith or Jonathan Denis, nor do I see anything now from Don Middleton. You could argue Vicki Engel has a negative campaign but I don't think it is.

    Your campaign personally attacked both Rick Smith and Jonathan Denis in all of your literature.

    Pot calling the kettle black?

  17. Anonymous.

    I did not personally attack anyone.

    Pleae provide evidence to this.

    Evidence on Jonathan Denis and his tactics will be forthcoming.

    Just because you did not see anything does not mean it did not happen.

    As for Don or Vicki, I wish them well, but I think they are foolish to remain in a party that is no longer conservative.

  18. First off, the word "plesae" is spelt like that and not "pleae".

    You took aim at one of your opponents as an old person who misses politics (funny because you're obsessed with it) and then you called another of your opponents young and took aim that he was a lawyer (funny because you threaten to sue everyone) and that he was single. I even got a call from one of your campaigners.

    You can't have it both ways.

  19. Craig Chandler is the last person ever to talk about negative campaign tactics.

  20. Craig B. Chandler, twice during the last few months you've said you won't be so hateful and antagonistic. Clearly you've lied both times.

  21. "twice during the last few months you've said you won't be so hateful and antagonistic. Clearly you've lied both times"

    Do you guys just make stuff up as you go along? Hateful? Antagonistic? I get kicked in the teeth and you expect me to sit back and take it? I can be more gentle in my response, which is what I committed to, but I never said that I would walk away from all of this. There are consequences, short term and long term for the APC and those involved in the Calgary Egmont APC Constituency Association including Jonathan Denis.

    The only hate has been from the Alberta PC Party suffering from Christophobia. The only antagonisim has been from the APC towards me.

    Once again I have done nothing wrong other than think the Alberta PC Party was actually democratic.

    Those that have no problem with democracy being over-ridden are scary indeed. Chavez would be proud with Stalinmach.

    The things we pointed out in the campaign were true not negative. If as supporters of others you see it differently, well that is your opinion and one not shared by most.

    My name has been defamed and I will clear it. If any of this happened to any of you, you would do the same.

    Politics is a long ball game.

    At least I stand behind my words and am not a coward like others on this blog. I like to look my opponent in the eyes, not stab them in the back.

  22. Vicki Engel, Don Middleton, and Jonathan Denis are all Christians according to their websites. If the party is "Christophobic" as you claim, the winner will be disqualified too, right?

  23. Quite frankly I do not see anyone actually getting disqualified so close to the writ being dropped.

    It will drop in February.

    I was used as the whipping boy so all will now fall in line. No Socon left in the Alberta Progressive Conservatives or any that are running will talk of their faith even in passing.

    The muzzles are on and the Christophobia has taken hold.

    JD is a Christian? I must admit I am surprised as by his fruits? VIcki and Don are naive to think they can make a difference within the party, I tried, as did Ted Morton (the silenced one).

  24. You threatened to sue the party - where is the law suit? Or is this a bunch of idle threats like your promises to sue everyone else? How Christian is that to be suing everyone?

    You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.' But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well.
    —Matthew 5:38

    But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.
    -Luke 6:27

  25. Craig,

    I'm not so sure I would want to use the Reform Party as my model to give a political party credibility.

    To state the obvious - where are they now? They couldn't get it together effectively as a reliable party with a proven record. Arguably it is considerably worse as it evolves because they keep merging with others, changing their name, and really can't decide what their identity is - it has created a questionable track record and dubious ability without ever giving them power. I wouldn't want to be represented by that kind of fickle ideology.

    Just reminds me of a child in candy store that can't make a decision....

  26. How Christian would it be to put your fist through the back window of a car if you're mad at someone?

  27. ANONYMOUS WROTE: You threatened to sue the party - where is the law suit? Or is this a bunch of idle threats like your promises to sue everyone else?

    MY RESPONSE: Timing is important in this case. I have one year to file.

    ANONYMOUS WROTE: How Christian is that to be suing everyone?

    MY RESPONSE: I am only suing the PC Party, a journalist and one Executive member of the party. Being a Christian does not mean taking everything.

    ANONYMOUS WROTE: You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.' But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well.
    —Matthew 5:38

    MY RESPONSE: I am not trying to get revenge. I do not want an eye for an eye etc... I just want my money back as I could have been told prior. Also, the suing you refer to is actually in relation to Christian suing Christian. Nice that you take the bible out of context.

    ANONYMOUS WROTE: But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.
    -Luke 6:27

    MY RESPONSE: This I have no issue with. I have no anger towards these people. I merely am fighting back so this same form of persecution towards believers does not happen to anyone else. Believe me I have forgiven and pray for these people.

  28. AN0NYMOUS WROTE: Craig,

    I'm not so sure I would want to use the Reform Party as my model to give a political party credibility.

    To state the obvious - where are they now? They couldn't get it together effectively as a reliable party with a proven record. Arguably it is considerably worse as it evolves because they keep merging with others, changing their name, and really can't decide what their identity is - it has created a questionable track record and dubious ability without ever giving them power. I wouldn't want to be represented by that kind of fickle ideology.

    Just reminds me of a child in candy store that can't make a decision....

    MY RESPONSE: The Reform Party is why the deficit is gone and why the federal Liberals governed more conservatively then the Mulroney Tories. Having that opposition changed Canada for the better.

    I could care less what the name is as long as the policies are adopted. Harper will do even more once a majority is in play.

  29. How Christian would it be to put your fist through the back window of a car if you're mad at someone?

    Rumours are abundant in Tory Land!

    Reveal thyself oh Anonymous one.

  30. Hmm, the reference to putting a hand through the window didn't name anyone but Mr. Chandler seems to be awfully defensive about it.

    Why would that be?

    Perhaps I was at that very fundraiser.

  31. what about all of the other christians in caucus?? by your logic their all going to be expelled too.

  32. ANONYMOUS SAID: Hmm, the reference to putting a hand through the window didn't name anyone but Mr. Chandler seems to be awfully defensive about it.

    Why would that be?

    Perhaps I was at that very fundraiser.

    MY RESPONSE: Mr. Higgenbottom you need to stop defaming my name. You have been doing this everywhere. Why the Jonathan Denis crew seems so hell bent on destroying someone is beyond me?

  33. Who's Mr. Higgenbottom?

    Why you seem so hell bent on destroying the party and blaming others for your own discreditation is beyond me.

  34. Actually there's a point their - Chandler seems to be trying to destroy everyone who's been even slightly misaligned by him. Sour grapes.

    Chandler still doesn't deny putting his hand through the window of a car.

  35. Seems to me Chandler tries to kill everyone in his path. Now he complains when people fight back?

  36. These posts are exactly what is wrong with politics in AB (we don't have democracy) and exactly why nobody thoughtful and rational would ever vote for any conservative derivation

  37. Nobody in Alberta takes Craig Chandler seriously

  38. What's the matter Craig, too busy doing demon dials for candidates running against you to post on here?

  39. Anonymous wrote: What's the matter Craig, too busy doing demon dials for candidates running against you to post on here?

    Actually until the elction is over I will no longer be posting anywhere.

    I am far too busy with my campaign and launching a new fertilzer co-product that will be hitting stores such as the Home Depot etc... This fertiler is the waste from our corn ethanol plant in Colingwood Ontario.

    Also, I need to get my lawsuit in ordr and the final pages written in my Human Right complaint against the PCAA.

    Have fun slamming me and ignoring democracy etc..

    Why you guys are posting I will be out getting votes. Sorry to dusappoint, but this takes my eye offf the ball so I must ignore for now.

    Good bye until the end of March 2008.

    Craig B. Chandler

    PS PGIB does demon dials for any conservative candidates willing to pay (PC, Alliance etc..). I am not sure if they have done any for anyone. However, if anyone needs demon dial services they can call PGIB directly at 720-2143 as I have taken a leave of abscence.

  40. and wait, earlier you said the PC's were "no longer conservative" but now you say they are?

  41. You might also want to take a remedial english class. "Order" is spelt that way, not "ordr". Also "disappoint" is not spelt "dusappoint" and "off" is with two "f"'s, not three.

  42. Why is it Jonathan Denis supporters always slam people?

    People make typos when they are in a hurry, yet, any time you guys can slam someone you do?

    I guess that is the style of PC members in Calgary Egmont.

    Thank God for Cathie Williams! Another Liberal seat is on the way in Calgary

  43. Too bad Cathie Williams hasn't even knocked a single door. She's toast no matter who runs, especially if it is someone who does the negative type of campaigning like Craig Chandler.

  44. I'm sick and tired of Chandler and his sock puppets. Now that you're not a member of the conservative party any longer why don't you just go back to Ontario, like you've suggested yourself?
