Wednesday, February 27, 2008

strathcona veto.

Sherwood Park Tory Iris Evans believes that Strathcona County should get a veto on the newly created Edmonton-area planning board:
That contradicts Premier Ed Stelmach's government's plan to allow a new regional board to make binding decisions -- no vetoes -- on regional land-use planning and intermunicipal transit.

"Once a regional plan is approved it has to be adhered to by all," said the government statement outlining its decisions in December.

Evans said Tuesday county residents have always feared a waste-management facility would be forced upon them. Even though there's no talk of such a thing, the fear lingers, she said.
So, Evans is advocating for a change to the regional planning agreement that took so long to finally become a reality over something that no one is even talking about? Keep up the good work, Iris...


  1. Leave it to Iris to flub again. First the mishandling of the trades labor dispute ( the government had squandered a real opportunity there to show some regard for the working person)and now biting the hand the feeds her and still claims to be an "Ed" loyalist. Some things are too predictable.

  2. I'm afraid i don't understand your motivation and reasoning on this one Dave, you're criticizing Iris for speaking up and representing the view of those in her constituency?

    Why is it if a candidate speaks up on an issue you criticize her for breaking with the leaders stance, but if they don't speak out they are criticized for only spouting the party line?

    At the very least you have to admire her for taking a position, it must be easy being a Liberal candidate because you can pretty much say anything you want because no one seems to know what the Liberal platform is on any issue.

  3. At Tuesday night's candidate forum in Sherwood Park, Liberal Louise Rogers also said that the Capital Region Growth Plan should not have been implemented. This contradicts the Liberal platform.

    Rogers also advocated that Big City Charters are necessary to give Edmonton as the big center "necessary power", but that Sherwood Park would somehow be protected - no specifics were offered.

    When my interests are at stake, I'll choose the person who advocates a clear position - a veto - versus a vague promise everytime.

  4. Gotta love that the "issue" is a waste treatment facility. God forbid someone stops them from pumping raw sewage under their own backyards.

  5. Well that just puts everything back to exactly where is was before.... NOWHERE!!!

  6. This regional thing is a done deal and a Stelmach winner. Why is she screwing it up now? Is she in that much trouble in her constituency?

  7. I wish Cathy Olsen and Iris Evans would move to another country.

  8. Unfortunately for Iris, Hancock trumps her opinion on the issue.

  9. What did anyone expect? Stelmach "solving" regional bickering in Edmonton is just like Jim Flaherty "ending" the era of provincial bickering. Iris Evans is still Iris Evans.

  10. Vetos for everyone! Yaaaay!
