Friday, July 18, 2008

how deep does your carbon footprint sink?

The City of Edmonton launched a challenge to Edmontonians yesterday through a nifty Zerofootprint calculator. The calculator and online community have been set up to challenge Edmontonians to set goals on how to decrease their environmental impact and be smarter in the ways they travel, maintain their yards, reduce waste, and save energy and water!

It's fairly easy to sign up (it only took about 5 minutes to figure out how the site works) and allows you to make personal goals and track the goals and challenges of fellow Edmontonians in their quest to take more personal responsibility over the carbon footprint they are leaving in their daily lives.

The City of Edmonton also gets points for recognizing that realistically decreasing individual environmental impacts will take more than one simple act.

(Take the challenge!)


  1. 4.3 tonnes.

    Well below the national and municipal average, but still some room for improvement, I would think.


  2. The Premiers are bickering over climate change in Quebec City, cities across North America are taking positive challenges like these - Toronto, Seattle, Boulder, Vaughn, and the State of Alabama. I'm proud that Edmonton is getting on board!

  3. Cool! Thanks for posting.

    I'm 6.1 tonnes... ouch... I have some work to do...

  4. 5.1 Tonnes.

    I like how you can use the website to make goals and targets.
