Saturday, September 20, 2008

photo post: jack layton campaigns in edmonton.

Protesters from the Blind Handgun Owners' Association of Canada showed up in force.


  1. Awww. I *heart* Ray Martin. I'm so glad he is running again.

    Great pictures!

  2. I'm glad you have no problem making fun of a blind guy. Much like I have no problem making fun of your greenpeace buddies.

  3. Because Blind people are the group that you want carrying handguns?

  4. Nice pics! It was fun seeing Jason Ness behind Jack on National television.

  5. Great pictures. thanks for posting!

  6. Very nice shots! What kind of camera do you have?

    We must have been standing very close together, though I didn't see you.

  7. Thanks, IP. I was hanging out on the edges of the crowd and I didn't see you either. I was impressed with the good turnout.

    My camera is a Fujifilm FinePix S700 ( It's a pretty reliable camera and I'm quite happy with how the pictures turned out today.

  8. Personally the thought of a blind person carrying a hand gun scares the hell out of me.

  9. What do you think the turnout was. One blogger (who is not an NDP partisan) pegged it at 800, but one report said 200.

  10. Wow, your disrespect towards the blind is outrageously offensive.

    Leave it to Dave Cournoyer and his commie kin to decide who gets rights and who doesn't.

  11. Blind Canadians have a fundamental human right to protect themselves by carrying firearms. If anyone it should be blind Canadians who are the most vulnerable to the dangerous attacks of our volatile world and should be able to protect themselves with firearms. Its a constitutional right.

  12. OK, in fairness, not everyone who uses a white cane is completely blind. They may have lost peripheral vision, they may have other vision problems. The point is that the cane makes other people aware that this is a person who is liable to hit you or an obstacle, and may require your additional consideration.

    That said, get over your feigned outrage at Dave's "insensitivity" and look at how goddamn funny that photo is. That is hilarious! I've heard of the blind leading the blind, but man.

  13. Art,

    Well, I am an NDP partisan, but I'd put the turnout more at 500. There were definitely a lot of people there, but 800 would have felt even more cramped!

  14. I think there was more like 500 people there.

  15. The relentless MOCKING of blind people by liberals and leftists on this blogspot goes to show you which side of the political spectrum is populated by the TRUE bigots.

  16. Probably closer to 500 - Trish Audette of the Journal and another reporter were working on an estimation that I overheard... 200 is laughably low.

  17. It was around 500 people and it was a great rally. Layton's stop most definitely helped boost volunteer energy for local campaigns like Linda Duncan and Ray Martin!

  18. @ anonymous: "Blind Canadians have a fundamental human right to protect themselves by carrying firearms."

    Wrong country, pal! No one in Canada has a right to bear arms. Period. And thankfully so!

    I suggest you look up the word "privilege".

  19. hahaha. that's a brilliant picture. thanks for posting.
