Tuesday, April 7, 2009

photo post: alberta budget 2009.

Finance Minister Iris Evans.

Official Opposition Liberal leader David Swann.

Edmonton-Strathcona NDP MLA Rachel Notley.

Wildrose Alliance leader Paul Hinman.

Lindsey Telfer from the Sierra Club and Mike Hudema from Greenpeace.

Edmonton Mayor Stephen Mandel.

Culture Minister Lindsay Blackett.

My favorite: Sustainable Resource Development Minister Ted Morton and daveberta.ca fan Neil Waugh.


  1. That last one is my favourite, too! :)

  2. I thought Waugh was fired? Did you get me all excited for nothing?

  3. Great pictures! thanks for posting!

  4. How short is Lyndsey Telfer?

    I'm surprised that Hudema is allowed into the Leg.

  5. "I'm surprised that Hudema is allowed into the Leg."

    and with a pressed shirt, and shaved to boot. Must be a big day, dressing like a grown-up and all.

  6. Just curious, but how come none of these people are looking at you?

    It would be ok to have at least one posed picture. You won't be labelled as Establishment for that.

  7. With each Budget, Iris Evans looks more and more like a man...

  8. With each budget, Dwight Duncan looks more and more like a woman...
    Hmmm, doesn't have the same ring.

  9. My favorite: Sustainable Resource Development Minister Ted Morton and daveberta.ca fan Neil Waugh.

    You have fans?

    Where can I buy some?

  10. Waugh is freelancing. He still has stories appearing in the Sun, if you're paying attention. As for Hudema, I assume he was invited by the NDs. Even if he wasn't, the Legislature is a public building and he has a right to enter the public areas. Anon at 9:35, you really had to take a shot at a woman approaching 70 for her looks? And we wonder why women don't find politics rewarding...

  11. Paul Hinman? The guy doesn't have a seat, anymore.

    Or is he just taking a cue from Elizabeth May - haunting the Rotunda, looking for an open microphone? ;)
