Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Tory rages at Dipper

Tory Minister Guy Boutilier got into a shouting match with ND MLA Ray Martin yesterday afternoon!

According to CBC, Martin wanted to know why a developer that has donated money to the Fort McMurray MLA got what the NDP is calling a sweetheart deal on 900 acres of government land in Fort McMurray, with no public tender.

Boutilier, who was elected MLA for Fort McMurray in 1997 is currently Alberta's Minister of the Environment. Boutilier was Mayor of Fort McMurray from 1992 to 1997, when he jumped to the provincial scene following the retirement of Fort McMurray Liberal MLA Adam Germain.

Ray Martin is the ND MLA for Edmonton Beverly Clareview. Martin served as MLA for Edmonton Norwood from 1982 to 1993 and ND Leader from 1984 to 1994. In 1993, Martin was defeated in Norwood by Liberal Andrew Beniuk. Last November, Martin returned to provincial politics after being elected in the Edmonton Beverly Clareview riding.

More Boutilier outrage can be found here, here, and here.


  1. Okay, I initially misread "shouting match" as "shooting match," and was quite shocked indeed. :-)

  2. apparently doofus did'nt learn anything from having his a** kicked by laurie blakeman my hero.

    but it does raise a question that i've always wondered: what exactly does a minister of the environment do in alberta? i know lorne taylor spent most of his time flying around the world (on our nickel) denouncing kyoto.

    but really, what do they do??

  3. yeah, the entire thing is pretty rediculous. I mean, what is Ray Martin doing questioning a Minister in the first place (oops! I was almost starting to think like Klein for a moment...)

    Rob: Funny you mention Laurie. I actually chatted with her today at a luncheon we both were at. (And yes, she's still my favorite MLA!)

    And i'm not sure what an environment minister in Alberta does. I know when Lorne Taylor was Env Min, the papers would always mistakenly call him the Energy min :P
