Sunday, June 5, 2005


Against better judgement and severe warnings, I rented Team America: World Police this weekend. After only watching about half of it, I would recommend that anyone interested in watching this film poke their eyes out with a pencil first. It would be more (but not much) entertaining that way. This movie has hands down beaten out The Village, and Troy as DAVEBERTA'S WORST MOVIES OF THE YEAR.

I also splurged and bought the Lord of the Rings Trilogy and the Back to the Future Trilogy on DVD this weekend : )


  1. I guess Team America is an acquired taste. I still think its hilarious! Gary... that guy is so dumb...

  2. i thought troy was probably the worst movie i've ever seen. i could'nt stop laughing while watching the village.

  3. I don't think i'd go so far as calling it an aquired taste, but you definately need to have some sort of stromach problem in order to be able to sit through it (or be American :P ) - I'm sure George W. just loved it!

  4. Wow. That bad, eh?

    Try Hotel Rwanda.

  5. yeah, that bad!

    opps, sorry about the stomach comment. my bad! :P

  6. I don't think you folks are giving Ocean's Twelve the credit it deserves!

  7. i liked Ocean's Twelve. Danny Ocean rocks my world! So cool! It makes me want to become an international thief! How cool!

  8. I have a beef with Back to the Future III. At the end of the film, Marty gets out of the time machine moments before it is destroyed by a train, thus ending any ability for time travel from that point on. These are Doc's specific instructions since he, over the course of three movies (or time-travel-adventures), has realized that time travel, despite the potential for incredible scientific discovery, is not worth the risk to causality. In the third film you discover that Doc has never felt at home in his own time. The pursuit to satisfy this instinct of belonging is more than likey the motivating force to invent time travel and keep using it, regardless of the future ramafications that fiddling with the past might have.

    Doc's trip back to the year 1885 is the realization of a dream of living in the time that he feels he belongs. The film confirms this when Doc falls in love with the schoolteacher, indicating that Doc is so out of place in the the temporal continuum that the woman he was meant to love actually lives in an entirely different time than his own. That's a fairly depressing thought when you apply it to the real world, but it worked out for Doc, I suppose. So, when the Delorian is destroyed by the train, it is a signal to the audience that everyone is where they are supposed to be, that there no longer a purpose for time travel and that the entire purpose of the time travel experiement is to find your place in the universe. But the experiement is dangerous and that can no longer continue, so Doc orders Marty to destory the Delorian. This is bitter-sweet because we know that Doc will never be back, but he is at least in the place he is supposed to be.

    Until 10 seconds later when he shows up with a new time machine. That he has been bouncing all over history with. With small children. And a dog.

    So basically, the message becomes that you can have your cake, eat it too, and still have time to jerk-off dinosaurs and punch Hitler in the face while your stupid brats run around fucking up history, but Marty can't make a few bets on a few lousy college football games. Because that would screw up the future.

    Fuck. That. Shit.

  9. I'm glad that I am not the only person out there who has some trouble with the "return of doc" at the ending of the third movie.

    I've actually thought about it and my theory is that even though Doc Brown's 'true love' lived in a different time (1885), perhaps this wasn't their 'time.'

    I would predict that after Marty traveled back to 1990 at the end of the third film, Doc attempted to live with 'his love' in 1885, only to discover that it wasn't the 'time' that they were supposed to raise a family. Henceforth, Dr. Emmett Brown built another time machine in an attempt to find the 'time' in which they were meant to live.

    The Back to the Future movies embody our search happiness and our desire for second chances (or re-do's). It started in the first movie with Marty's parents, and Marty and Jennifer, it continued in the second movie with Biff and the betting, and it finalized itself with Doc finding true love in Ms. Clara Clayton.

    That's my take, anyone else?

  10. The dog's name is Einstein.

  11. I don't know about you... but everysingle time the "America Fuck Ya" song came on, I had this strange image in my mind of the Canadian Pro-War Blogger Laptop Bombadiers singing along, and putting a fist in the air. Like you, I couldn't watch more than 30-40 minutes. I only kept watching long enough to get to the Kim Jong Ill "So Ronery" song.

  12. I turned it off after the puppet sex scene. That was the most perverted thing I have ever seen. How the hell do people find that funny?!?!?!?! It was stupid!

  13. I agree. That movie sucked balls.

  14. I didn't think it sucked too bad. It was like Southpark meets Thunderbirds.
