Tuesday, November 1, 2005

12:30 gomery recap.

arg. We should have been spending the morning writing papers, but instead we found ourselves sitting in front of the television watching CBC Newsworld's coverage of the Gomery Report.

Watching QP right now.

As for the press conferences...

Jack Layton's press conference was interesting. He now needs to be fairly careful in what he decides to do. He called the Liberals corrupt, so can he now save face if the NDP continues to prop up Mr. Martin's minority government or will the NDP move to topple the Liberals.

Stephen Harper didn't do a bad job. His press conference went well in our opinion. He was calm and not overly angry, which looked good.

The Prime Minister's press conference wasn't bad. He mentioned the Liberal Party as little as possible. He also had a good game for the most part, but we could tell he was getting tired come the end. He was starting to bumble by the end. We doubt Mr. Martin got very much sleep last night. He did fairly well in not answering questions about Jean Chretien, referring them to the Gomery Report. Gagliano=BANNED. $1.14 Million refunded...

Former Prime Minsiter Jean Chretien's press conference is going to be held at 5pm eastern time (3pm Alberta time). That one should be interesting...

and... can someone explain to us why is Jean LaPierre in Cabinet, again?


  1. I agree with your take on the PM and SH news conferences. Layton made a few mistakes in my opinion. He should now push the ethics package at least as forcefully as health care, maybe he can get both. He should have seemed less afraid of forcing a Christmas election to gain ground to negotiate, or alternatively to not look like he is being complacent in SHarper's request if the NDP do decide to force an election. You are right, Layton was walking a tightrope this morning.

  2. Indeed. It would be a perfect time for Mr. Layton to seriously begin to push his ethics/democratic reform package. He may do well to force it upon the Liberals at this point while they're vulnerable.

  3. Manatee,

    I agree. I think Jack should push for both the ethics package and health care. He will get both. AND he'll retain his "I'm trying to make this gov't work" image that he's been cultivating.


  4. This whole process has been incredibly predictable.

    This has been a staged event from the beginning. What a waste of Canadians' money.

  5. This has been a staged event from the beginning.

    Indeed it has been. But it was quite entertaining... :-)

  6. watching that gomery report shit? jesus, why didnt you just wash down a fistful of shrooms with some bong hits and a few tabs... the brain damage would have been less severe. youre never getting that time or those brain cells back, man.

    i care more about the civic election than this useless ottawa crapslinging... like its going to change anyones mind about anything.
