Tuesday, November 29, 2005

day 1: the wrath of mother nature.

Well, it's snowing in Calgary, Vancouver, and Edmonton - that must mean that Paul Martin wasn't the only one who didn't want an election. Looks like God and Mother Nature didn't want an election either. ;-)

Anyway... back to more serious business... it was announced this morning that the election has been set for January 23, 2006.

- Anne McLellan has her campaign office up and running today in the Edmonton Centre riding. It's located downtown in the old McDonald's building on 117th Street and Jasper Avenue. Anne's in for a tough fight with Tory challenger Laurie Hawn, but her campaign team is more than definately up for the challenge.

- It looks like the Federal Liberals are having some difficulty finding candidates to nominate in Alberta. Last we heard, among others, they still hadn't nominated a candidate in the Edmonton Leduc riding. It wouldn't surprise us if the NDP placed second to the Tories in some of the ridings the Liberals have yet to nominate candidates in. Also, the NDP and Green parties seems to be in a bit of a scramble to nominate or appoint candidates in some Alberta ridings. If one is to believe the party website, one would think that the NDP has actually lost candidates in some rural ridings (ie: Westlock-St. Paul).

- The CBC has their CanadaVotes2006 site up and the Globe & Mail also has their Decision 2006 election site up.

*UPDATE*: More candidate updates for our 2006 Edmonton candidates list.

- George Hodgson has withdrawn from the Liberal nomination race in Edmonton Strathcona. This leaves Ellen Schoeck and Andy Hladyshevsky to duke it out in the Dec 5 nomination meeting.

- It seems that Paul Wallace is no longer the Green candidate in Edmonton East.


  1. I'm thinking I may vote NDP this time. Even though I voted NDP last time, I treat my Federal votes on a case-by-case basis. (Paradoxically, I'm a partisan Liberal provincially.)

    I'm also thinking that I may change my mind a few times.

    I'm also thinking that maybe it's a good thing that I'll be in NYC from Dec. 30 to January 8th.

  2. Wild. George dropped out?

    My prediction of his being appointed once the writ was dropped was a little out of whack then, hey?

    Well, I'm out of the guessing game, then. I'm absolutely sure whoever wins the nomination will lose the election. More power to 'em.

    See you Thursday.

  3. This just in from the people very high up in the NDP: ;-) - sarcasm -
    We re-nominated last night in west-st.paul. all that happened there was the candidate we had nominated in april or may or whenever it was was going to be up in cold lake, where her parents live, for the summer, but now that it's school time she's in red deer at RDC. so instead of messing around with a candidate way far away, we found someone else to do it, which pleases everyone involved. Also the same sort of thing happened in Edm-Sherwood Park, as the candidate we had nominated in spring had to move for work, so we're renominating but I can't remember off the top of my head when - soon, or maybe it's happened already, i dunno. I think there's one spot in Calgary where something similar happened, too, but they've fixed it. We had a full slate in spring, and there were just a couple of spots where we have had to re-jig things because people have lives and they change.
    - Shannon

  4. Thanks for the update, Shannon. We'll post the update this weekend.

    Happy campaigning. :-)


  5. Nicole Martel...wasn't she a big NDPer...I remember her from a federal campaign in 2000 where she was helping with Helene Narayana's Campaign in Strathcona.

    I could be wrong, but that name rang a bell.

    Happy campaigning it is in Millwoods-Beaumont, our candidate (of in case anyone didn't know, I am a hardcore NDPer)Neal Gray has been out every day knocking on doors, and the response has been great.

    So who you campaigning for Dave?


