Wednesday, March 8, 2006

now the waiting begins...

Well, other than a bit of a soar throat this morning, I'm feeling good.

Regular blogging will resume in the near future.


  1. Best of luck, buddy. Any idea what happened to that cutie Michelle?

  2. learn how to spell.

  3. Have you seen his last name? The poor boy must have a hard time remembering how to spell THAT, let alone words like "sore"!

    For what it's worth, I voted a 1-2 punch of "Dave" and "None of the Above" for VP-XL. My brother decided to vote for you after he saw you at the Horowitz forum.

    I also voted "None of the Above" for Chris Samuel, not because I think he'd do a bad job (quite the opposite), but because he:

    1) Ran a $0 campaign, showing that the position was worthless to him. (snark, but I still feel like no one should win without more of an effort, y'know?)
    2) Said that: "I don't think anyone's ever lost when they've run unopposed." (Hehe, there's always a first time for everything, Chris.)
    3) Is too addicted to the SU and needs to finish his Math degree already! I'm doing this for his own good!


  4. Hey Dave. Best of luck I am sure you'll win. By the way tell your buddy that Michelle was DQ'd for missing a mandatory meeting that put her over budget.

  5. "learn how to spell."

    Anonymous, I think you need to be less presumptuous. My throat was soaring this morning.

    Soaring as in the adjective: "ascending to a level markedly higher than the usual."

    As in, I felt like talking.

  6. As well, thanks Jim, Jason, and Amir.

    PS. Jim, is Brett your brother?

  7. Why, yes he is, actually. How'd you guess? He's poll clerking all day tomorrow, so give him a shout if you see him!

  8. Yeah, I heard that Michelle went over budget by $6 due to a campaign fine. Ouch.

    I wasn't going to vote for her anyway, but I sure do feel sorry for her. All that effort gone to waste because of a fine.

  9. I'm waiting with baited breath...

    Good Luck!
