Monday, July 24, 2006

only nutjobs need apply.

It looks like the crazies running the Separation Party of Alberta are looking for a new leader to lead them on their crusade to free Albertans from our now Alberta-based oppressive Federal government... only nutjobs need apply....

Weirdly enough, I found the Separation Party logo on Battle River-Wainwright Tory MLA Doug Griffiths website... maybe he's shopping around?


  1. wow. Doug Griffiths has an AWFUL website! It looks like something my 8 year old son would put together for a school project!

  2. Wow; pretty fuckin' fugly website.

  3. SPA has such a compelling platform.
    Quickly Alberta! Engage in meaningless or outdated rhetoric immediately and throw off our evil federal Conservative ovelords?

    Oh wait. Conservative? You mean the ones against nationalizing things? Ah, crap.

  4. Please tell me these guys didn't get many votes in teh last election!!!

  5. Alberta Separation Federation!!!

  6. These lunkheads are about as extreme as you can get.

    Last press release on their website: one year ago! LOL.

  7. Just for fun I emailed these guys on what would happen to those that live in Alberta, pay Alberta taxes but wanted to remain nationalists....
    from the reply, "extreme" is an understatement.

  8. Dave, you found the logo on his website because they listed the percentage each party received in the last provincial election. Griffiths is no separatist, of that I can assure you.

    His website isn't anything fancy, admittedly. But that's because its put together entirely by a volunteer in his constituency who does it as a public service to help his MLA save his constit budget for less frivolous things.

    Hell, if I can agree with your Leader on an issue, surely everyone can take off the partisan blinders of sensationalism once in a while ;)
