Friday, July 28, 2006

silly conservative kanigget esquire.

I was going to post a response to this little propaganda peice, but THIS pretty much sums up my feelings on the subject matter.

Period. Type.

ADDITION: Speaking of silly people... Paul Wells has the dirt on Paul Mart... er... Don Jim Dinning...


  1. Paraphrased: if you want to be part of this democracy you need to call yourself a conservative on paper and pay a small token for the right to vote.

  2. wow. that sounds like something you'd hear in Soviet Russia. "Join the Party, Comrade!"

    It's time to give these guys the boot.

  3. Wow, I was warned you guys at Liblogs were nut jobs but I never believed it, I'm now a believer.
    What a waste of internet space Liblogs is.

  4. *shakes head* Man, does Alberta ever need proportional representation.

  5. "Our next premier will have an obligation to represent the best interests of all Albertans..."

    That's a pretty disheartening statement. Have Premiers up to this point only been keen on representing the interests of those who voted for them?

  6. " Wow, I was warned you guys at Liblogs were nut jobs but I never believed it, I'm now a believer.
    What a waste of internet space Liblogs is."

    Yes. I am clearly a nutjob, but I'm not sure why this post would make you think that...

  7. Good points, daveberta. The Tories are so arrogant they can't even see what's wrong with what they're saying. It's never felt more like a time for a change in Alberta politics than now.

  8. Hey, Dave:
    Three of the four responses printed by the journal came from one organization, did they not? Looks like a kind of an over-representation of what is essentially a single point of view, no? :)

  9. Ok Ok time for a Tory to step up here and counter all the attacks from the left!! ;)

    Daveberta, it is objective truth that the next PC Leader will be premier. If you were being honest, who would you most like to see as the next PC leader? I know it may be like picking brussle sprouts vs broccoli, but honestly you must have one that you hate less than the others?

    A while back on my blog I said that if I had to chose the next federal Liberal leader, I would most like to see either Kennedy or Dion in the big chair. Not *all* Liberals are *complete* idiots, I can admit :)

  10. It is objectively true that the next PC leader will be premier.

    But the intent is not to choose the next premier for the short term between that leadership decision and the next election. The point of the original letter was saying: c'mon, better jump aboard the PC bandwagon, because the next party leader is going to be "PREMIER4LIFE". I'll have no part of that. The PC party won't get their filthy thieving hands on my $5 or ANY of my votes.
