Tuesday, November 28, 2006

flip flop morton.

This came in my inbox this afternoon....
"We need leaders need to make decisions, not flip flop and dither when they're faced with a tough decision." --Jim Dinning

LOL @ Dinning trying to paint Morton with the "flip flop" label.


  1. Dinning needs to dig out the Reform Boat Veterans For Truth and start airing ads about how Ted is unfit to serve.

  2. Dinning labelling Ted a flip-flopper? True hilarity.

  3. Its not that big a stretch after all, Morton thinks we should have referendums to make decisions for him.

  4. Morton left the U.S. when he was draftable - does anyone know about this? Is he so much like Cheney that he is a chickenhawk too?

  5. Interesting... Wikipedia says that Morton was involved in the anti-Vietnam War movement during his university days. Could it really be? Could our unflappable Snortin' Morton really have been a reefer-loving hippie in his earlier life?

  6. I don't think Morton's a "flip flopper" - he's far too dogmatic to make a considered decision.

  7. Dinning is finally saying something - too bad it's simply all negative and doesn't outline any of his positions (if he has any).

    It's nice to see Ed just stay out of the way.

    The race is really between Ed and Ted (Ted has publicly stated his people will support Ed on a second ballot - and Ed's organizers stated they will support Ted). Dinning is finished and Ed actually has the best chance of winning the entire race.

  8. Morton was a bit of a hippie in his university days. He definitely took part in anti-war demonstrations. He had academic deferrments until he graduated. The year after he graduated, his draft number was 205, and they only drafted up to 190-something. So he took a year off and worked on a kibbutz in Israel. He credits his experience there with showing him the Error of His Ways and setting him on the road to conservatism.

    How much of world history has been affected by the 'Nam draft lottery? Weirdness.

  9. If Dinning's first priority was to prevent a Morton government, he would throw his support behind Ed now, before the ballot. There is a good number of people that don't wish to see a Morton government, but are not keen on Jim and would favour Ed. Jim could turn the tide - that decision would show true leadership and sacrifice.

    But back to reality. He won't do it. Jim is in it for Jim, and his people would hang him if he did.

    No, instead he tries to wax fondly on how good Ed would be as a RURAL lieutenant. Height of arrogance. Ed's constituency includes the number 2 industrialized city in the province - Ft. Saskatchewan. Maybe Jim could be a good URBAN lieutenant for Ed. But that would mean he would have to run for a seat as an MLA, which he would not do if he loses this race.

  10. Anonymous two above is right. He dodged. And he was a pacifist in the 60s. That's a huge flip-flop.

    Anonymous one above, why would someone who won Edmonton and Calgary and was in first place throw their support behind a third place? Give your head a shake.

  11. No, he didn't "dodge." He used an academic deferrment, which a ton of people did, and then got lucky when his number wasn't drawn.

    And I don't think 22 year-olds can "flip flop." The only flipping and flopping 22 year-olds can do involves the bar, tequila shooters, and impaired motor skills.

  12. The personal accusations against Morton are going from strange to bizzare. I guess the Dinning camp is getting pretty desperate.

  13. Here's another anon: If Dinning so strongly believed that Morton should not lead the government, he would fall back and support Ed - ensuring an Ed victory. If not, the likely outcome will be as follows:

    1. Dinning.
    2. Morton.
    3. Stelmach.

    With Stelmach's second ballot pushing Morton on top (with the exception of the handful of Edmonton Hancock supporters - rural AB will not not vote for Dinning).

  14. Wait a minute...

    Ralph Klein is stepping down?!?

  15. Let's keep things in context. Dinning refered to Morton as a flip-floper because of his decision to change a particular position of his platform, regarding royalty revenues. Context bloggers....Let's not get carried away
