Wednesday, November 22, 2006

"he's gonna give it all"

A bunch o' stuff...

- Jim Dimming has set up a new campaign website... wait a minute... (props to DH for the linkage)

- Following Ted Morton's new hit single, Jim Dimm...nning has released a new single. Which I have to say will give Kevin Federline a run for his money... it's really that awful... and 5 minutes long... shouldn't these guys be busy selling memberships? Here's c-lo thoughts...
This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard, the maraca is useless, the song lacks even folksy charm, let alone any passion and the lyrics are terrible... Please tell me this is not on his website. This is reason alone to not vote for him.

90 seconds in I'm thinking "when will this end". I am now approaching the 4:00 minute mark.... who wrote this torture!!!!!

And they wonder why homicides are going up!!!!!

If this goes over five minutes... I swear to god....

Praise the heavens!!!! It ended... just before the 5:00 minute mark coincidentally....
- I attended a Women in Politics seminar at the U of A tonight. Speakers included MLA's Laurie Blakeman and Weslyn Mather and former MP Anne McLellan.

- Senator Hillary Clinton's Election Campaign spent $31 Million - including $13,000 in flowers and $27,000 in valet parking...

- and finally, I'll have my uber-Alberta PC leadership race predictions up on Friday... what will they be? Tune in on Friday...


  1. 1. Gary McPherson
    2. Victor Doerksen
    3. Jim Dimming

    It'll be a wild WILD week until ballot number two...

  2. "Let's vote a vote for Jim". While Morton's song is a country tune, Dinnings is absolutely terrible. Are you serious that his campaign is actually using this? Doesn't he have a tonne of cash?

  3. Holy FUCK is that ever awful. Dinning should FIRE the staffer who wrote this MONSTROSITY. Complete amateur hour, Team Dinning. *clap* *clap* *clap*

  4. oooo, that is lame.

    I wonder which old white guy is going to win this race?

  5. Morton: MP3
    Dinning: WMA

    Advantage: Morton

  6. A new poll shows Morton and Dinning in a dead heat. Must be the song!

  7. I have listened to this song about 30 times in a row..................
    I have lost my mind!!!

    Must vote for him."

    I keep repeating this over and over and over

  8. My God... how could anyone listen to this piece of garbage more than once, let alone 30 times?! I couldn't make it past the 3:30 mark!

    "Vote a little vote for Jim..."
    "Just a little vote for him..."
