Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Public Interest Alberta held their Annual General Meeting on Saturday (I meant to go, but didn't make it in the end). At the AGM, Jackie Flanagan, Publisher of Alberta Views Magazine received the "Public Interest Award for her work with the magazine and as an advocate of the public good." Video clips of Flanagan's acceptance speech are below for your viewing pleasure:


  1. Hi Dave - just finished taping an interview with Glen Murray on what is it about great cities and the environment and the economy.

    Fascinating guy - it should be up on Policy Channel ( in a few days. You will really enjoy what he has to say. I will let you now when it is live.

  2. Thanks, Ken. I'm looking forward to watching it!

  3. The silence is deafening...

    The day before an important by-election in Calgary and I cannot find any decent coverage of it on the Calgary Herald's website.

    Sure they have covered it in bits and pieces up until now, but on the eve of the actual event all that this paper has posted are three columnists all discussing golf?

    Perhaps the fault for Alberta's political stagnation does not rest solely on the governing party's shoulders...

  4. The day is young and I've been out of town for a couple of days. Expect a mega-post on the by-elections this evening.
