Monday, October 8, 2007

building a big tent in ward 5.

Don Iveson has received another round of endorsements in his campaign to represent Ward 5 on Edmonton City Council.

Recent endorsements include:
- Larry Langley (Ward 5 Councillor, 1995-2004)
- Janice Melnychuk (Ward 3 Councillor 2001-2007)
- Dr. Gary McPherson (Former PC leadership candidate)
- Gene Dub (Architect, Ward 2 Councillor 1977-1980)

Earlier endorsements included:
- Michael Phair (Ward 4 Councillor, 1992-2007)
- Dr. Don Massey (Alberta Liberal MLA Edmonton-Mill Woods, 1993-2004)
- Dr. Raj Pannu (New Democrat MLA Edmonton-Strathcona, 1997-present)
- Ellen Shoeck (Author of I was there, an alumni history of the University of Alberta)
- Alex Khan (President, Malmo Plains Community League)
- Dr. Don Carmichael (University of Alberta Political Science Professor)

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