Monday, October 15, 2007

ward 5 councillor don iveson.

I am very very proud to announce that my good friend Don Iveson is the new City Councillor for Ward 5. Smart Growth. Efficiency. Environmental Responsibility. Vibrant Communities.

Ward 5 have elected a good candidate today.

COUNCILLOR - WARD 5 44 / 44 Polls Reported
Candidate Name # of Votes % of Votes
Bryan Kent Anderson 17867 33.76%
Don Iveson 16848 31.84%
Mike Nickel 14597 27.58%
Brent Michalyk 3610 6.82%

Congrats to Don. Congrats to the campaign team and volunteers, and congrats to Ward 5 for making a great choice!


  1. Congrats to everyone who worked so hard on this campaign! Again, great live blogging dave, look fwd to working with you guys in the future.

    All the best,
    Jordan Schroder

  2. Hey Dave. Thanks for live-blogging from the party, it was cool to follow along from Ottawa. This is such good news!

  3. I echo the thanks for the liveblog, Dave.

    Keeping up with AB elections from BC is no easy task, so your source is a welcome one.

    Congrats on what was a well-run campaign. I'm obviously very dissapointed to see my good friend Mike Nickel defeated, but I suppose that's democracy... I guess Tony Caterina will be the new (only) tax-fighter on city council.

  4. dave,
    i questioned your prediction of nickel and batty losing. i guess i was half wrong/right.
    congrats to iveson and you.

  5. Dave - CHED wants to talk to Don. They said that he should call in. It's 496-0063 (I think).

    Erin Chrusch
    p.s. someone should have a drink for me...I think Henderson could use it :-)

  6. Don't worry Erin.
    We took care of Henderson. ;_

  7. Congrats to Don and his whole team Dave. Looks like you can call take a bow for such great work! I'll have to say Hi to Don and welcome him at the AUMA conference next month.
