Wednesday, February 13, 2008

upcoming election forums.

The University of Alberta Students' Union will be holding two all-candidates forums next week.
Edmonton-Strathcona All-Candidate Forum
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
6:00 p.m.
Myer Horowitz Theatre (2nd Floor, SUB)
*RSVP on Facebook

Edmonton-Riverview All-Candidate Forum
Monday, February 25, 2008
6:00 p.m.
Dinwoodie Lounge (2nd Floor, SUB)
*RSVP on Facebook
Check out the list of 2008 Alberta election nominated candidates.


  1. Hopefully a stirring Edmonton-Strathcona forum will lead to a wildcard feature spot on the website? Maybe Dave? Come on!

  2. For the race, including myself of course.

  3. “They will choose between direction or uncertainty; between common sense or risky experiments; between steadiness or recklessness." Stephen Harper

    Have we forgotten what the “Common Sense” revolution did in Ontario…take a look at your property taxes, Remember Walkerton? The Technical Standards and Safety Authority whose oversight blasted Toronto? Have you lost your job and tried to receive “Employment Insurance” or Ontario Works? These are the ghosts of the Ontario Conservative “Common Sense” revolution and from Stephen Harper’s own lips it is our choice to choose common sense conservatives versus the other guys…. Familiar faces of Ontario’s past parliamentary movers and shakers bring this message to us.

    What promises will Stephen Harper trot out during the next coming weeks? More tax cuts? Let’s highlight what happened in Ontario when a Conservative uttered the words “common sense”

    "Common Sense Revolution", government's program of deficit reduction in combination with lower taxes and significant cuts to some government programs

    · Cut social assistance rates by 22%
    · Provincial income taxes were cut by 30% to pre-1990 levels
    · Fair Share Health Levy
    · Several hundred nurses laid off to cut costs in the health sector
    · Hospital closures
    · Sell off various government-owned enterprises
    · Highway 407 was sold to a private consortium in the largest privatization in Canadian history.
    · Amalgamation of several municipalities
    · Education reforms
    · The introduction of workfare
    · Privatization of social services
    · Poor handling of Native affairs Ipperwash Provincial Park,
    · Cuts to inspection services had created a situation in which future water safety could not be guaranteed
    · Rise in homelessness and poverty
    · Many of the new jobs were part-time rather than full-time and offered fewer benefits to employees.

    When the Ontario Conservative era ended they left an operating deficit of over $5 billion. Stephen Harper’s first address to the electorate should be deemed a foreshadowing of what is to come should this party gain control Nationally. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.
