Wednesday, March 5, 2008

alberta election 2008: post-election blues on youtube.

Over the course of the election, Fringe North has recorded some interesting/entertaining commentary on the election. Here's his reaction to Monday night's election results. I get the feeling he was probably just as shellshocked as I was on election night...


  1. Priceless.

    They say you learn more in defeat than you do in victory, and yet seeing this, reading the newspapers, and hearing Taft speak it's almost as if the Liberal party and their supporters have learned nothing at all. As a conservative, I am almost starting to feel sorry for them. Almost...

    The reason Mr. FringeNorth doesn't get it, the reason Mr. Taft doesn't get it, and the reason so many anti-PC people don't get it is because they never once stopped to listen during the campaign. The signs were all there, you just had to stop, be silent, and listen.

  2. I didn't vote for Ed, I voted against Taft......Ditch the man and ditch the name Liberal, bet you'll get more votes.

  3. I agree.

    Had they been listening, they would have heard that Albertans want a subsidized horse racing industry.

  4. Until the Liberals start to direct their blame toward their own shortcomings (as opposed to blaming the system) they will be doomed to repeat their failures.

  5. Great video! " Dad's trombone friends..." How many people can say they have "trombone friends"?

  6. well I'm hoping that Taft will continue leading the Liberals into complete obscurity.

    Why has he not inclined that he will resign?
