Tuesday, March 11, 2008

on sex scandals.

It almost caught me off guard, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised at how much attention Canada's mainstream media is paying to the Elliot Spitzer sex scandal. If you haven't already heard, New York Governor Elliot Spitzer has been caught in the middle of a sex scandal involving his alleged employment of a $1,000-an-hour Washington D.C. call girl (you can read a breakdown of the affidavit here).

A quick scan of the exciting Canadian political scene makes it pretty evident why the Canadian media are hopping on board the Elliot Spitzer-sex-scandal-train-from-New York. What kind of exciting political debates that our elected representatives are having in Canada?

- The epic struggle between Dan McTeague and Jim Flaherty continues in the great RESP debate of 2008.

- The Alberta Tories have just won their 11th consecutive majority government since 1971. 41% of Albertans bothered participating.

- Stephane Dion's Federal Liberals back down again, leaving Canadians wondering why Dion even wanted to be the leader of that party in the first place.

At least the Obama-Harper NAFTA-gate leak has provided some sort of excitement in a Canadian political scene that could be otherwise disappointingly described as colourless, insipid, and platitudinous.


  1. So you can't find anything new to criticize, you have find fault in the fact that we don't have any sex scandals?

    Find something nice to say maybe.

  2. The four federal by-elections happening next Monday are of at least some interest.


  3. The only reason Dion's Liberals keep backing down is because as long as he's at the helm, the party's never gonna win a majority.

    But it's not like the other choices were any better..

  4. I'd just like to point out that I'm still waiting for my absentee ballot for the Alberta election. It would have been nice to participate.

  5. If only Ed was using a high price call girl maybe just maybe Albertans wouldn't have thought Taft wasn't so bad.
