Thursday, December 4, 2008

canada: the (pro)rogue state.

If there’s one thing we Canadians can be proud of, it’s how this past week’s situation in Ottawa is being portraying in the international media that matters.


  1. roflmao - Perez Hilton? The guy's a putz who paints cum shots on people's faces and heads on his blog.

    Good grief Dave, couldn't you at least find a credible source. Makes you look as bad as your hapless leader.

  2. It wasn't supposed to be a serious post (I can't believe I have to point that out).

  3. I love trying to explain this to my American friends.

    "Um ... it's kind of like this. You know you guys elected Barack Obama? Yeah it's like if McCain and Nader and everyone EXCEPT Obama became President. Yeah."

  4. "Um ... it's kind of like this. You know you guys elected Barack Obama? Yeah it's like if McCain and Nader and everyone EXCEPT Obama became President. Yeah."

    It sort of makes one wonder whether Mr. Harper pulled the trigger on the election last October because he had a feeling Obama would win - well, polls were pointing that way - and didn't want to go to ask Canadians to vote after that had happened.

    Nah, that's just me being cynical. ;)

  5. No tell your U.S. friends it was more like the U.S. Congress was trying to impeach Bush - which would have been richly deserved - and he shut down Congress to prevent this.


  6. Robert: Its actually nothing at all like that.

    1. Obama got a majority of the vote.
    2. Americans VOTE for their president.
    3. Americans only have 2 (credible) parties, so this situation doesn't arise.

    Even Kazan is off.
