Friday, December 5, 2008

oh, canada...


  1. Hey! No fair! We never make fun of Americans and their elections!

    Oh ...
    um ...

    never mind.

    (P.S. Don't remember any sarcastic news stories when Martin pulled similar stunts in 2005 ... I guess you need the Queen involved for mockery).

  2. Rachel Maddow rules.

    I'm willing to bet that Harper doesn't care about the bad press so long as he "officially" still has political power.

  3. At some point people are going to figure out that what a bunch of TV blowhards (and especially those who don't understand the system) have to say doesn't matter. What the average voter has to say does matter.

    #1 rule of politics; respect the voter!

    I believe you're currently seeing a wide variety of generally agreeing numbers that indicate what they ACTUALLY think of all this.

    You've pissed off the silent majority Mr. Dion, Mr. Rae and Mr. Layton; congrats!

    PS - PLEASE select Bob Rae as your leader. That's what the Liberal Party can give me for both Christmas and my birthday.

  4. Yeah, sure, Harper made some pretty big mistakes -- doesn't absolve Dion and his gang, though.

    And John Manley concurs!

  5. "(P.S. Don't remember any sarcastic news stories when Martin pulled similar stunts in 2005 ... I guess you need the Queen involved for mockery)."

    It'd have been hard to make fun of our government back then, when they still had W. at the helm -- with three years left to go.

  6. Rachel Maddow is such a tiring person. Ugh.
