Friday, June 5, 2009

alberta hansard 2.0.

The Spring session of the Alberta Legislature by the numbers:

Number of times Twitter was mentioned: 22
Number of times Facebook was mentioned: 25
Number of times Matt Mitchke was mentioned: 3
Number of times the words 'tough times' and 'tough economic times" appeared together: 95
Number of times the word 'deficit' was used: 239
Number of times the word 'accountability' was used: 326
Number of times the word 'transparency' was used: 206
Number of times 'Northumberland' was mentioned: 4
Number of times a certain former Soviet dictator was mentioned: 7
Number of times 'Stephen Harper' was mentioned: 6
Number of times the PC Caucus was described as the most 'diverse caucus' in Canada: 21

(We should all thank the wonderful people who do such a thorough job of recording Hansard each day the Assembly is in session.)


  1. Which MLA's mentioned twitter and facebook? Or Stephen Harper? Duh he's federal.

  2. By my count, the two MLAs with the most Twitter and Facebook mentions were Calgary-Egmont MLA Jonothan Denis and Edmonton-Centre MLA Laurie Blakeman.

  3. I find it interesting that Northumberland was only mentioned 4 times.

    If you have the time, check out this blog post regarding Northumberland, Calder Bateman and some unecessary censorship.

    Paul Shields

  4. Great list!

    Joseph Stalin did play an influential role in Alberta pre and post WWII when many Ukranians immigrated here. Stalin probably had a bigger influence on the face of Alberta than Stephen Harper has.

  5. The phrase "Good Government" was not uttered once.

  6. Denis and Blakeman both seem to know that twitter has many uses, not just for positive fluffs.

  7. sex got over 70 hits
    bully got over 40

  8. Fear and Loathing in CalgaryJune 8, 2009 at 8:09 AM

    hermaphrodite got 6 hits

  9. Hey Dave, you may be interested in this - the number of sitting days in provincial legislatures from 1987 to May 2009:
