Wednesday, June 3, 2009

citizen bloggers: online social media and networks provide new ways for albertans to get political.

Thanks to everyone who has emailed me over the past week with feedback on my cover feature article in this month’s issue of Alberta Views Magazine: Citizen Bloggers: Online social media and networks provide new ways for Albertans to get political. I hope people enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it (I really enjoyed writing it).

Just in case you thought this post was all about self-promotion, if you pick a copy of this month's issue of Alberta Views Magazine off the shelf, you will also have the pleasure of reading great articles by Jeremy Klaszus (the third part of his excellent Mr. Tree series – read parts one and two online), George Melnyk (on how the digital age is changing the book publishing industry), and Maurice Yacowar (on the life and hidden past of former newspaper publisher and Alberta Solicitor General Roy Farran).