Wednesday, September 23, 2009

required reading: burying carbon dioxide in underground saline aquifers: political folly or climate change fix?

It has been a while since I've written about this topic, so I was delighted to see that the Munk Centre for International Studies has released a new report on the science of the Carbon Capture Scheme. The 63-page report was written by Edmonton Journal columnist Graham Thomson while he was on a Canadian Journalism Foundation fellowship at the University of Toronto in 2008-2009.


1 comment:

  1. I'm certainly glad that journalists are provided opportunities to deepen or expand their knowledge of subject areas, and good on Thomson for taking it on. Many are a little amused by the fuss they make and faux pomp and circumstance the Centre puts on for these "fellows" and their papers, but they need to promote this program. Newspapers tend not to provide very good opportunities for in-depth analysis, so he was able to write a much longer piece here, and made some interesting second-hand observations. Serious scholars won't be confusing this with serious, original scholarship, and I doubt Thomson would either. But it's a nice piece and hopefully he can help raise the level of debate about CCS in Alberta - press for something beyond the PR gimmick and budgetary boondoggle that it is so far.
