Tuesday, September 22, 2009

talking politics on citytv.

On Thursday morning from 8:30am to 10:00am, I will be taking part in a political discussion hosted and televised on CityTV Edmonton. Students from St. Albert's Paul Kane High School will be spending their morning in the audience at the Enterprise Square Atrium discussion. This event is open to the public!

Panelists: University of Alberta Dean and former MLA Mike Percy, Ken Chapman, Dave Cournoyer, Colin McGarrigle (Editor, Avenue Edmonton)

Political Representatives: Minister Gene Zwozdesky, Official Opposition leader David Swann, NDP MLA Rachel Notley, and Calgary-Glenmore MLA-elect Paul Hinman.

Discussion topics:
- Have these decades long dynasties served the people of Alberta well?
- What's left of the left? Is Alberta so far to the right there's little chance for the left?
- Forget the left, is Calgary Glenmore a serious sign that the right is splitting? Or is it simply an isolated protest vote?
- Forget politics all together. Let's review the abysmal voter turn-out!
- How do we foster sense of community, duty and political interest in our youth?


  1. I would ask if there really is a left and right in AB politics. Liberals taking jabs at Tory spending, WAP party more than likely to have a fiscally conservative, socially libertarian leader, liberal spending PC party. Labels seem to be done, the only relevent is- "How do we foster sense of community, duty and political interest in our youth?"

  2. Thanks,Dave! I will tune in!

    - Bailey

  3. With you and Ken there - as well as a couple politicians who are at least dipping their toes in the water - I'd suggest you talk about the role of social media in politics as well. I'd like to hear that, and I'll be tuning in.

  4. David Swann? Who the shit is that? ;)

  5. Considering that 70% of Alberta voters are right of centre voters and 30% are left of centre voters I don't think vote splitting is a real issue.

    Calgary-Glenmore is NOT an isolated incident. When you consider the momentum the WAP has, membership sales and who Danielle's team is, it is possible for the WAP to become the Government next time.

    Federal people have been told they aren't needed provincially so most of those people have moved/or are moving to the Wildrose Alliance Party. The provincial PC's are going to finally figure out that they need the Federal conservative voters much more than the Federal conservative voters need the Alberta PC's.

    Unless Ed gets in there and changes his Chief of Staff, advisors and leadership team around him, Ed is going to get an embarrassing leadership review and go down on a sinking ship.

    Considering the PC's didn't even see the Calgary by-election loss coming, that tells me that they think it's just an anomale.

    Federal people are much more accustomed to having to fight for seats - many of the provincial candidates are going to be in for a rude awakening next time around.

    With Danielle Smith at the helm, the PC's are absolute toast!

  6. Anon @ 9:47: You think Federal Tories in Alberta are accustomed to having to fight for seats?

  7. Just wondering how anyone can assume that Danielle is destined to win. Personally, I think she should, but practically, given the way the campaign is shaping up, I fear that the far right wing-nut sector or the WRAP will defeat her. Particularly now that the race is down to 2. Pity. She'd have been a much more viable leader for those who are politically homeless to tie to.

  8. What a completely biased and unobjective panel. An existing PC MLA should at least be invited.

  9. Gene Zwozdesky is a former Liberal MLA. Hmm...!

  10. Zwozdesky has also been in the PC caucus for 11 years and was elected 3 times as a PC MLA. I would guess that most people would consider him to be a PC MLA.

  11. Don't confuse Anon 5:28/36 with facts. That's hardly fair to somebody in their condition.
