Monday, August 15, 2005

russian political porn

Yes, you read the title correctly.

From today's Globe & Mail.

"Ukraine, Georgia fuming over planned Russian sex film

Monday, August 15, 2005 Page A10

MOSCOW -- Alexei Mitrofanov, deputy leader of Russia's Liberal Democratic Party, says he cannot understand the ruckus over his dirty movie.

What's so wrong, he asks, about writing a film script that imagines a steamy rendezvous between a buxom woman named Yulia and a darkly handsome gentleman named Mikhail?

What does it matter if the porn star selected for the role of Yulia wears the same braided hairstyle as Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko? Or that she climbs into a Russian attack helicopter, zooms over the mountains along Georgia's northern border and makes love to someone who resembles Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili?

You can read the rest of the article here.

Crazy Russians.


  1. uh oh! I hate when Anonymous tries to sell things. Stop that Anonymous!!

    Anywho, I guess at least there is no gay porn in the works depicting Dubya with Tony Blair. At least we'd know who the bottom would be though.

  2. "Anywho, I guess at least there is no gay porn in the works depicting Dubya with Tony Blair. At least we'd know who the bottom would be though."

    Speaking of Daveberta I DEMAND he remove his viciously heteronomative, violent "Hate-Toon" picture from his website and replace it with a less violent, less heterosexual image more befitting of a gun registry and gay marriage supporter, like this. Justice, indeed!!! Human rights, indeed!!!

  3. Oh fess up Dave - You just titled that post "Russian Porn" in order to get more google hits. ;-)

  4. damn, you figured me out Aaron, CG. That's quite correct, I write my blog to attract the smut pedlers of the blogosphere. Guilty as charged. :-P

  5. "Speaking of Daveberta I DEMAND he remove his viciously heteronomative, violent "Hate-Toon" picture from his website and replace it with a less violent, less heterosexual image more befitting of a gun registry and gay marriage supporter, like this. Justice, indeed!!! Human rights, indeed!!!"

    Big words, ducky. "I DEMAND". lol, you crack me up. funny little ducky. :-)

  6. "Speaking of Daveberta I DEMAND he remove his viciously heteronomative, violent "Hate-Toon" picture from his website and replace it with a less violent, less heterosexual image more befitting of a gun registry and gay marriage supporter, like this. Justice, indeed!!! Human rights, indeed!!!"

    Is this dude FOR FRIGGIN REAL?

    Comparing Canadian politics to South Park?

    A TORY telling other Canadians what media they should be watching based on a set of norms?

    So, Anonalogue..with your demand I'm wondering if you're having a change of heart of the sexual orientation kind? ::cracks knunckles:: We have to initiate know that?? But don't worry you get to choose where your beloved gun goes.

    I trust, old chap, that this is where you intiate your self-destruct phase.
