Thursday, October 13, 2005


People who take their blogs too seriously are knobs. We do it for entertainment. Once it isn't fun anymore, we're gonna shut this thingy down.

Luckily, it's still providing us with ample entertainment.


  1. Some blogs just get seriousnesser and seriousnesser.

  2. People who take their blogs too seriously are knobs.

    You might want to qualify that a bit, because I think I know who you may or may not be talking about. But kinda don't because it's non-specific.

    Personally, I don't take blogging seriously unless people get mean spirited. Then it gets nasty.

  3. yeah, perhaps we should have qualified it, but we didn't. :-P

    We agree. The nastiness isn't fun.

  4. yeah, perhaps we should have qualified it, but we didn't. :-P

    We agree. The nastiness isn't fun.

  5. I actually find that one of the funniest aspects of blogging is the nastiness. I actually get a pretty good laugh at the people who get seriously upset at things that I post. That said, I agree that blogging really should be fun rather than serious but I do think there is a place for serious blogging, it's just not what I'm particularly interested in.

    -Socialist Swine

  6. What would Lord Bimp and do without a bit of nasty'o'ness. Shit, we'd have nothing to blog about, except for my bad spelling, ;-)

  7. It's definately entertaining, but it goes overboard too fast sometimes. Lord Bump is the perfect example of what a blog trashing other blogs should strive to be. It wouldn't be the wingnuterer otherwise. :-P

  8. My dad once told me, "never take yourself too seriously. The minute you think that you know it all is the same moment you should realize you're full of shit."

    And I'm with daveberta, the second this blogging thing stops being entertaining I'll stop.
