Thursday, May 24, 2007

roster change.

The Edmonton City Council election roster looks like it's up for a bit of a bench change after the October elections.

Councillors who have announced they are not seeking re-election include Janice Melnychuk (Ward 3), Michael Phair (Ward 4), and Terry Cavanaugh (Ward 6). Councillors who have announced (or are expected to announce) their intentions for re-election include Linda Sloan (Ward 1), Karen Leibovici (Ward 1), Kim Krushell (Ward 2), Ron Hayter (Ward 2), Ed Gibbons (Ward 3), Jane Batty (Ward 4), Bryan Anderson (Ward 5), Mike Nickel (Ward 5), and Dave Thiele (Ward 6).

Council hopefuls lining up for October 2007 include Don Iveson (Ward 5), Ben Henderson (Ward 4), Amarjeet Sohi (Ward 6), Chinwe Okelu (Ward 6), Ton Caterina (Ward 3), and Donna Finucane (Ward 5).

The Mayoral election is expected to be a cake-walk for popular incumbent Mayor Stephen Mandel. Other Mayoral candidates that I know of include Dave Loken (who placed third in the 2004 Ward 2 Election) and perenial candidate Dave Dowling.

Mandel's popularity still amazes me. I know Liberals, Conservatives, and New Democrats who all have no problem supporting declaring their support for him. He's done an amazing job solidifying his support. Though I believe Mandel has been doing a superb job as Mayor, I tend to believe that public reaction to his performance has been boosted by the nine-years of the mediocre Bill Smith Mayorship.


  1. I lived in Mr. Phair's riding. I had a few dealings with him and was always impressed with how quickly he dealt with things. We need more like him in all levels of government.

  2. Mayor Mandel's popularity seems to be taking a hit of late. Perhaps it's his focus on things like an arena downtown while our roads are crumbling, but I don't think he has good political radar.

    He'll win this fall, as much because there are no decent opponents as anything else.

  3. I liked Mandel fine until his corporate welfare scheme to line the pockets of the EIG with a fancy new arena at the taxpayer's expense.

    Why do we need a black hole arena taking up valuable real estate in the heart of downtown? Jesus.

  4. Is Mike Pietramala no longer in the race?
