Saturday, September 16, 2006

kennedy-ignatieff edmonton.

This past week, Michael Ignatieff was in Edmonton at a reception hosted at the home of Senator Grant Mitchell. I didn't get the chance to go, but I heard there was a decent turnout of around 50 people at the Mitchell residence in southwest Edmonton.

Speaking of Federal Liberal leadership candidates, Gerard Kennedy will be in Edmonton on Tuesday at a BBQ at the Ottwell Community Hall (5920 93A Avenue) from 7pm to 9pm. It's a free event too! I think I'll try to make it out.

Speaking of Gerard Kennedy, the by-election for his former seat of Parkdale-High Park in the Ontario Provincial Parliament was this week. Ontario NDP candidate Cheri DiNovo trumped Ontario Liberal Sylvia Watson. The final results look like:

Cheri DiNovo, NDP - 11,675 (41%)
Sylvia Watson, Liberal - 9,387 (33%)
David Hutcheon, PC - 4,921 (17.3%)
Frank DeJong, Grn - 1,758 (6.2%)
Stan Grzywna, FCP - 366 (1.3%)
Jim McIntosh, Libertarian - 162 (0.6%)
Silvio Ursomarzo, Freedom - 111 (0.4%)
John Turmel, Ind - 77 (0.3%)

It's not totally surprising that the Ontario NDP picked up the seat, as I am predicting they will pick up more in the next Ontario provincial election expected next spring.


  1. They still my beating heart no publicity unless it was to the in crowd.

  2. "They still my beating heart no publicity unless it was to the in crowd."

    what? I'm not even sure what that means.

  3. THe NDP will probably gain only a handfull of seats - maybe up to 15 out of 106. Howard Hampton can only take them so far.

  4. DiNutso won? Warren Kinsella must me pissed.

  5. I'm not supporting iggy, but seeing as it was laundry day and the Senator graciously lets me use his washing machine, I found myself at the event. To be fair (and much to my own shagrin) there was definetly more than 50 people there.

  6. DiNovo's election is a sign that the McGuinty/Kinsella/Cherniak Liberals negative smear campaigns just won't work in scaring Ontarians in to voting Liberal. Ontarians want hope and ideas, not scare tactics.

  7. It's not totally surprising that the Ontario NDP picked up the seat, as I am predicting they will pick up more in the next Ontario provincial election expected next spring.

    Next fall, technically. October 4, 2007 in fact. Ontario has fixed election dates.

  8. Yeeeeeaaaaahhhhh NINOVO!

  9. Very disappointed that Senator Mitchell is aiding Ignatieff.

    Ignatieff would be a disastrous leader for the Liberals. Worse than Paul Martin, IMO.
