Saturday, September 30, 2006

strathcona and u of a dsm results.

Here are the unofficial leadership votes from my source on the inside at the Edmonton Strathcona and U of A Liberal Club Delegate Selection Meeting last night...

Edmonton Strathcona
Gerard Kennedy - 82 votes (42%)
Stephane Dion - 33 votes (17%)
Michael Ignatieff - 25 votes (13%)
Bob Rae - 19 votes (10%)
Ken Dryden - 11 votes (6%)
Martha Hall Findlay - 9 votes (5%)
Joe Volpe - 3 votes (2%)
Scott Brison - 1 vote (1%)
Undeclared - 4 votes (2%)
Spoiled - 3 votes (2%)

University of Alberta Liberal Club
Gerard Kennedy - 14 votes (49%)
Bob Rae - 8 votes (29%)
Michael Ignatieff - 4 votes (14%)
Stephane Dion - 1 vote (4%)
Ken Dryden - 1 vote (4%)


  1. What are they supposed to do? Kick him out?

    yeah, that would look good.

  2. neo,
    can you discuss with us the settlement arranged between anders and his former ea about fraudulent expenses? what about those who promised to bribe cons like the candidate in ottawa centre so that cutler could run? were their bribes ethical? Or, were the candidates unethical to accept them?
