Thursday, January 3, 2008

chris samuel - canada's next great prime minister.

Wednesday night, Chris Samuel - Canada's Next Great Prime Minister and his supporters from across Canada held a Democracy Party at the University of Alberta. The event, which rivaled Barack Obama's Iowa victory party, was an epic event filled with entertainment and fierce political drama and debate than any political watcher would revel in. Here are some clips of the improv event and testimonials from Chris Samuel supporters.

Chris Samuel Canada's Next Great Prime Minister Challenge (Clip 1#)

Chris Samuel Canada's Next Great Prime Minister Challenge (Clip 2#)

Chris Samuel Canada's Next Great Prime Minister Testimonials


  1. Hi - just watching you on 6PM news. *You cheecky bugger huh huh!*

    Do you twitter? I'm bentrem there ... not a lotta folk from Edmonton on, but it's a dandy community. I run TwitBar (Firefox sidebar client) while keyboarding.



  2. Thanks for your support, Daveberta. You are a king among men!
