Thursday, January 10, 2008

Here's a bit of a rundown of some of the political movement on the Alberta scene...

- The list of Alberta Provincial election candidates has been updated as Alberta Liberals have nominated Dick Mastel in Cypress-Medicine Hat and Dale D'Silva in Calgary-North West. For the New Democrats, former City Council candidate and two-time Edmonton-Manning candidate Hana Razga will be running in Edmonton-Whitemud against Tory Health Minister Dave Hancock and Alberta Liberal Nancy Cavanaugh. The NDs will also be running Mel Kraley in Fort McMurray-Wood Buffalo.

- The Battle for the Calgary-Egmont PC nomination is raging on. Don Middleton vs. Vicki Engel vs. Jonathan Denis. The victor will take on Alberta Liberal Cathie Williams, Independent-turfed-Tory Craig Chandler, Green Party Leader George Read, and New Dem Jason Nishiyama.

- Kudos to Elections Alberta for their swanky new website, it's a great improvement compared the previous design.

- Jimmy Ford will be running as an Independent candidate in the next Federal election in the riding of Edmonton-Sherwood Park.

- The campaign south of the border gets more interesting as New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson has ended his bid as a candidate in the Democratic race. I'm still betting on Mike Huckabee for the Republican nod...


  1. My prediction in the upcomig election

    1 - Craig Chandler
    2 - Cathie Williams
    3 - Vicki Engel
    4 - George Read
    5 - Jason Nishiyama

    I am hoping Cathie can beat Craig, but,he seems to have been campaigning longer.

  2. Jonathan Dennis definitely has this campaign cinched, moreso by the party name but also by his hard work. Too bad, I'm voting Wildrose Alliance, Barry Chase. Chandler will be wiped out once and for all.
